Can we please stop describing yo-yo’s as “smooth”? Calling a yo-yo “smooth” is describing just about every yo-yo on the market today. What A grade yo-yo is not smooth? Smooth is not a property that is important unless the vibe is such that it interferes with tricks. If all you can come up with when describing a yo-yo is that it is “smooth”, then you are damning this yo-yo with faint praise.
When I hear someone describe a yo-yo as being good because it is “smooth”; I just tune out.
What I am saying is that smooth is not an important property. If someone believes this is an important property then I think they need to play more yo-yo’s.
It’s an important quality to some people (and one I can appreciate), but it takes a LOT of vibe to affect play. My 1st run Hybrid Fulvia has some serious pulse vibe, and it’s still in my top 2 favorites and performs like a beast.
I only require three things in a yoyo. It has to be smooth, so please keep saying it. I also need to know that the yoyo has soul, and a mostly pleasant personality.
Who describes a wood, glass or plastic yo-yo as smooth? Smooth is meaningless in modern A-grade yo-yo’s. All non-Onedrop made metal yo-yo’s come from like three factories in China that all have top-grade machines that create yo-yo’s as smooth as anything General-Yo or Japan ever did.
Besides, who can feel anything but a completely-broken, vibey yo-yo on the string? It is a nonsensical property that has no bearing (sorry no pun intended) on yo-yo play. Tell me how the yo-yo plays; not the perceived precision of the machine shop it came from. That is not important to anyone but a noob.