What's the smoothest yoyo?

What’s the smoothest, most satisfying yoyo you’ve ever used? What’s a yoyo that just beautifully glides through the air and onto your string? I’m curious what you’d call the smoothest yoyo, both in terms of actual vibe and smoothness in play.

My picks are the Yoyofriends Hummingbird, G2 Arbiter X SS, and G2 Loadout. All 3 are so insanely smooth and just feel luxorious to play.

What are your favorites? (and what should I waste my money on?)


My ornery answer to this question is actually 100% truthful.

Out of every yo-yo I’ve owned, the smoothest I’ve ever used is my magicyoyo N5. Dead smooth.


Gotta be the CLYW Otter for me. Is glass smooth against the fingernail.


I was going to say that the three magic yo-yo models I’ve owned have been just as smooth as any high end yo-yo I’ve thrown, they’re a very underrated brand imo


Does it feel smoother in play too? I had one for a while but it came with a bit of vibe

Most of my magicyoyos are very smooth, but they don’t feel quite as smooth during play as some higher end ones I’ve used. They don’t just “glide” imo

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I’ve been looking at the Atmos Canopy which is supposed to be extremely similar. How does it feel in play?

Well I haven’t played it in almost a month now because of One July, but I love it. It’s the only CLYW I own and it feels uniquely different in a good way. Dead smooth and has personality.

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thesis/goodlife callisto. dead smooth on unboxing and hasnt changed


Without a doubt this gem, hard to tell its even spinning at the end of the String sometimes :melting_face:

Enso Metatron’s Cube :purple_heart::black_heart::white_heart:


And given that a lot of “high end” yo-yos are made from the exact same lathes as magicyoyo, there’s really not a way to tell if a yo-yo is an expensive one or $13 just by playing it.

Now, of course companies like G2 will have strict quality control and more rejects than magic yoyo.

This is part of what you’re paying for. Higher boutique prices are due to more rejects and stricter quality control, not due to any difference in how the yo-yos are made.

But much of the “quality” mystique around boutique/high end brand is completely manufactured. At the end of the day, it’s 6061 aluminum on Chinese lathes. (With a few obvious exceptions)

I was really surprised to learn just how much is the case after I got sponsored and was in on the producer (rather than consumer) side of things.

Pick your favorite boutique brand, and it’s almost certainly contracted out through magicyoyo’s shop or very similar.

Even for some shockingly expensive yo-yos.


When I mention smoothness I don’t particularly just mean a lack of vibe, but also how it feels in play. Some throws just feel so much nicer to play with, they glide through the air and feel so nice on the string.

I do agree though Magicyoyo is really solid for the price. I got an M002 and I like it a lot. But since nowadays most throws are almost completely vibe free anyway, the actual design and how nice and smooth it feels in play is a much bigger factor than just how smooth it can sleep

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Holy good lord that is the most strikingly beautiful yoyo I’ve ever seen.

And holy good lord $750


OG Mustang

Thank you brotha, we know the price tag is expensive but its one of the most beautiful yoyos ive ever held and also plays so so well :sweat_smile:

Heres a better shot of it


It sounds like your thoughts on “smoothness” have more to do with weight distribution and dimensions/shape than the precision that yo-yo is machined with.

Which is essentially a description of what kind of skill the designer who made the CAD file had.

Once again, more expensive/boutique yo-yos are certainly not correlated with the designer knowing what they’re doing.

It seems like what grabs you is a combination of certain weight distributions, and absence of vibe.

You can find a yo-yo that excels just as much in these two categories that costs $15 as one that costs $150+

And I hope you do! It’ll definitely save you some cash.

Unless what you like about an expensive yo-yo is the feeling of having a premium product that you spent a fair amount to get. (Which is totally understandable)

THAT is something magicyoyo will never be able to get you

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TP St. Elmo like glass

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spnworthy bloodcell for me.

Mazal Top Rectifier for what I own.

Duncan Grasshopper GTX and Magic Stealth are very close.

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Japan technology Kagerou