What's the smoothest yoyo?

Most modern aluminums from the big names like Yoyofriends are dead smoothe in my opinion from high quality manufacturing standards are A grade before sending to packaging and shipping. I have never been disappointed in my purchases. Also, yo-yos are also extremely well engineered items are said to be above aircraft part standards so take that for a grain of salt if you disagree with what I’m saying.

Thats a gorgeous throw. How does it play? Is it more of a performance oriented throw or something more smooth and fun in play?

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Majority of production yoyos nowadays are glass smooth without vibe.

About 15 years ago that wasn’t the case. Many will say General yo set that standard with the Torrent back in 2008.

Of the various General yo models, I’d recommend pursuing a Hatrick on the BST

The og bimetal shutter really lived up to its nickname (butter)

From all that I’ve owned and tried (which is hardly that much) the Top Deck has been the smoothest both in terms of nail test as well as in play. It’s eerie.


All of my C3’s & iYOYO’s are by far the smoothest. iYoyo being the clear winner, none of their throws have developed any vibe, including their Shooting Star (polycarbonate). I just wish they made more yoyo’s but I’d rather have quality than quantity. Still trying to figure out what happened to the iPPON (Looks so awesome but I can’t find it anywhere). I also think iMPACT is brutally underrated.

Thats not 100% accurate, especially regarding G2. G2 uses multiple machine shops for the raw parts, which includes offshore machining and domestic machine shops that he rotates between for different models. Additionally, G2 doesn’t rely on the OEM to produce completed yoyos. Jake gets raw parts from machine shops and ships parts out to different anodizers based on capabilities. This is what allows him to do the ridiculous amount of high quality colorways and offer custom anodized yoyos. Only after anodizing the raw parts does the assembly/QC process happen. Its a more labor and cost intensive process that also induces more risk, but with that risk comes the quality and variety of the colors and models G2 is able to produce.

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The smoothest yo-yos I’ve had where the motion parallel and Dressel designs emotion


CLYW Klondike


Yoyo friends tiny

The Cenote is a dead smooth yoyo.

I find it a bit hard to pick a smoothest yoyo as this can change. Often a new throw that plays super smooth when new, might pick up a slight bit of vibe down the road. And just because one person has a given yoyo, that’s dead smooth, it doesnt mean that every throw made is dead smooth.

I’ve gotten over caring for vibe but recently I cleaned my bearing on my Nucleon and it’s so smooth.


Of my most recent throws, the Canopy AL and the G2 Wraith are dead smooth.

Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have
Mentioned G2 specially, since I’m not a G2 scholar and am not as knowledgeable about their exact machining practices as you seem to be.

I would still posit that my original point that if you get a smooth $15 yo-yo designed by someone who knows what they’re doing with weight distribution, you really won’t be able to tell a difference in quality between that and a G2 mono, just by how they play.

Of course, anodizing is a different story.

G2’s is on another level.

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Honestly @bheinz63 probably is a G2 scholar lol

He is the person I go to when I have an obscure question about a G2 yoyo

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My General Yo Prestige feels very smooth, but I think it’s the weight distribution. I suspect many might feel less aggressive rim weight gets towards smooth. Kinda subjective. Of course any yo-yo that has no perceptible vibe may feel smooth.

with how good modern yoyo manufacturing is, i’m inclined to agree with you. it always comes down to the design and weight distribution whether a yoyo is going to play well or not. G2 just always happens to drop bangers because of the vast design experience.

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i know some things, but not all by any means. i just know jakes process because he’s shared it a bunch of times lol

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They all start smooth before I bang them on the ground repeatedly.