What's the smoothest yoyo?

Its amazing. its so good and it would probably be my best yoyo even if it was dinged up. its very good for competition im using it for wyyc wildcard on wednesday.

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Definitely. Mr. Jake has been in the game a long time and absolutely knows what he’s doing.

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in regards to the original question, i have no idea how to answer what a “smooth playing” yoyo is. i have a lot of yoyos that are crazy smooth (no vibe), but i’ve never really seen or heard the word smooth used to describe a play feel. the yoyos i love that seem to move with the most grace are my AL7 arbiter x, damian puckett wing weaver, one drop downbeat 2020, docpop populist, atmos noah. they’re all wildly different yoyos and not all of those yoyos are glass smooth on a fingernail test, but move with grace on the string.


My Otter is dead smooth as long as I get the axle positioned juuust right.

It is engraved into the Yo-Yo lexicon that
No Jives are Smooooth

And probably the original Smoothest


In my experience…
(in no particular order)
Hspin Pyro Light
Hspin G&E 4
SPYY Radian MkII
Most any Dif-E-Yo I have owned:
GTO, Bare Bones, Tank

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