I brought it up when I was dunking my schwimmy in the mailday thread bc people have talked about how they have gotten A-grade Yozean yoyos with vibe before and that wasn’t my experience. Just wanted to let people know. Generally I agree with the sentiment.
OOooooo…tomorrow’s meme.
Posted this as today’s meme. Thanks, @POspot!
Ever design and make a yoyo?
Attention to detail provides a smooth product.
Appreciate you tuning out.
Ok Ernie, Old-school General-Yo’s were the very definition of smooth. Your attention to machining was legendary. In my defense, my comments have been about modern yo-yos.
I would say in the last 20ish yo-yos I’ve bought, only 2 or 3 had some vibe. I was able to tune one and the other two just accepted as that’s just the way they are. I guess my rationale is: less vibe=more smooth.
I think this has been asked a million times before but what do you guys define as vibe and what do you define as smooth? I have yo-yos that I keep inside and play only over carpet and maintain them in near pristine condition and they are just as smooth playing as the gnarled outside yo-yos that I hit rails and signs with.
I think my perception of vibe must be off; I have a few that exhibit “fingernail vibe” but when I smooth them out it’s nothing but smooth sailing after. The only time I’ve seen actual vibe is on a yo-yo that I tried to add a weight ring to and I didn’t center it properly.
is it smooth?
let people enjoy and talk about their yoyos the way they want to. however, when someone posts unnecessary hate about specific brands i just tune it out.
The fanboys have joined the conversation. For the record, any hate directed at any particular brand(s) is well-deserved.
i don’t fanboy any brand, i just dislike your posts. also, this post is hilarious after reading your op lol
In my second hand yoyo selling experience, the most asked question is “is it smooth?”. Second most asked question is “how’s the vibe on it?” Especially if one has dings, scratches, nicks, etc.
What characteristics are looking for when reading a used yoyo’s description?
But how does it play
Well, smooth of course…
Neither do I!.. except maybe Dif-e-Yo… and maybe YoYoWorkShop… and maybe Duncan… and maybe CLYW… etc.
No way! definitely not me!..
I just love yoyos
Of course, yes.