Shutter Elite

I cant wait until wednesday!!!

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Incorrect: ā€œsir, i think theres a yoyo in my houseā€
Correct: ā€œsir, i think theres a house in my yoyoā€


Lets go they switched it to coming today



I absolutely love the shutter elite. It plays well for horizontal and spins for a really long time, but still plays really fast for rail combos.


there isnā€™t a fingerspin area it just wobbles on your finger. still can do DNA well

There is. Always has been.

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Do you think that since you have 2 it would be decent for 3a?

In my opinion it would be to wide and to fast for 3A, but if you like the shutter wide angle for 3a then you would probably like the elite as well.

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Its so expensive but i might get one. The only bad part is that if i go into a comp with one that means i have to spend at least 240 dollars

Just donā€™t mess up. Then you donā€™t need the other.:wink:


Just give it a few months and youā€™ll be able to get one half price on the BST. New YYF throws depreciate faster than a new car.


What this man said is true! Just look at all the amazing bimetals you could buy for under $50 on sale thereā€¦ last year most of those where 100 or more.

Having soured on YYF in general, but being a Gentry fan (life is always complicated) i will say the Elite is very good and worth it if you can afford the price.


Okay, so I watched a new YT video of a dude reviewing the Elite. He said it has over 9 min of spin timeā€¦ I find that hard to believe. I measure spin time of how long the yoyo spins where I can still bind it back up to my hand, I know most measure spin time by how long it spins before it just crashes, but still the longest spin time Iā€™ve ever measured was about 3 min, 30 sec, possibly 4 min if I just let it crash. Can someone who owns this Elite confirm or deny that there is over a 9 min spin time on this yoyo? Am I just throwing wrong or does this seem like a ridiculously long spin time for any yoyo? Iā€™m legit curious about this.

At the 48 sec mark, he says 9 min & 24 secs of spin time.


Watching the video it looks like his time was based on a stationary yoyo, no play. 9:22 is absolutely achievable. When I first started (5 years ago) I tested the original Butter in the same fashion and achieved 13+ minutesā€¦ my arms were sore. lol. Havenā€™t done that since.


he literally measured it in on film in the video. definitely doesnt seem overblown, lots of yoyos can achieve spin times that long when youā€™re adjusting tilt during a hard sleeper.


Wow, here I thought 3min 30 seconds was outstanding for spin time. He does record it in the video but heā€™s not showing the entire 9 minutes, that would be a boring video, not saying heā€™s lying or anything, Iā€™ve just never come close to 9 minutes, seemed totally fare fetched to meā€¦ I test out all my new yoyoā€™s for sleep time and most average around 3 min. I donā€™t think I could even get close to 6 more minutes on any of my throwsā€¦ that wonā€™t stop me from trying though.

You sound like a flat earther, lol. He didnā€™t literally measure it in the video man. Come on, notice how it skips from 2 min to 8 minsā€¦ again, not saying heā€™s lying, just saying he didnā€™t ā€œliterallyā€ measure it in the video.


Thats hilarious lol


Or maybe I am the one that sounds like a flat eartherā€¦ Iā€™ve gone so far down the rabbit hole, I just donā€™t know anymore. They would really be the ones that say that the video is void of evidence because the person edited the filmā€¦ They have time lapse footage of the 24 hour sun in Antarctica and they all say theyā€™re fake. :exploding_head::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Anyway, thanks for the info guys, now Iā€™m going to try to get a 9 min spin time, though, that doesnā€™t sound very fun.


I got 6 and a half minutes once on my iceberg back when I got back into throwing. You gotta make sure to mind the tilt. You can make micro adjustments by twisting the string ever so slightly one way or the other.

Once you realize that every yoyo is capable of spinning 3+ minutes, measuring spin time definitely becomes rather tedious.