Shutter Elite

Feels like a lighter and more powerful wangle, I’ve been really enjoying it so far.


And faster than a wangle


I rather liked the video. Seemed highly on brand for Gentry. Dude’s earned some swagger.


If redbull gives you wings, why doesnt a red shutter? :face_with_monocle:


It does indeed Scoogy!! I’m flying high over here. Elite is as promised, his best in the lineup!

I’ll be the first to say it…. Better than IQ @SR1


Are the rims matte and the cup kinda gloss?

From all the pictures that’s how it looks.

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Yes, the profile or gap is matte with a polished cup. Very pretty.

I always thought that the original Butter was the prettiest yo-yo. Still is! I like the polish but would maybe prefer the same sort of finish throughout.

Sexy any way you cut it.


Do we know what material was used? Feels and sounds like 7075.

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I remember seeing somewhere that Gentry doesn’t care for 7075/68, reason being something along the lines of 'they add cost for little benefit". So it’s probably 6061 with SS rims.

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The benefit is harder tougher material but I get someone who treats yo-yos as a commodity or tool would see no value in that.


EVO was 7 series

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From Gentry’s video the wall thickness at the axle looked too thin to be 6061 in my opinion. I think it is in 7075 but I don’t know.

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I feel that this is the thread for shutter fans.
So here is mine.

Evo and Elite.

Tower of shutters


What are your impressions of the Elite?

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The elite is certainly extremely powerful, balanced, and easy to control as gentry described… is it worth $130 is a matter of perspective, but this yoyo is very good at everything i can do. I think this could easily become my favorite in the line.


It’s not the $160 they wanted for EVO, lol!!


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BUT… is it the best yoyo the world has ever seen? I kid, I kid. I’m sure I’ll end up with one eventually. Glad to hear everyone is liking theirs!


I wanted to take a few days to play both the production run and proto of the elite before posting my thoughts.
Long story short: I am impressed and this is definitely the best Shutter, but i wouldn’t necessarily call it the best yo-yo ever lol.

I wasn’t initially going to buy an elite until i saw the proto on the amayzing sale and then got lucky when it arrived with a production run elite keeping it company. I was planning on skipping the elite because i was very let down by the evo and butter. However, I’m glad i didn’t as this is what i was hoping the Evo would be. It’s smooth, stable, powerful, and even plays lighter than expected. If you’ve liked any previous shutter you’ll almost certainly enjoy this.

As you can see in the pictures there really isn’t much of a difference between the proto and production run. the only thing i noticed is the production run has slightly tighter/snappier binds. while the proto has a shorter axle, and is matte all over as opposed to the shiny cups of the production. I will say, i wish they had kept it matte all over as finger spins/DNA felt easier to do on the matte material as opposed to glossy/shiny, but that might just be me.

One thing that’s been brought up is price and value. To me, this is tricky because it’s very subjective. if you felt fine paying 160 for the Evo then you’ll be more than happy with this, but if you prefer to stay in the 100$ range i’d go with the mega monster. it’s just as smooth, stable and maneuverable as the elite just in a slightly bigger package.


Thank you, I was wondering about the shiny caps effect on finger spinning. I’m hoping Ben brings a demo Elite to Rocky Mountain Regionals.

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