Shutter Elite

I can’t even find it on the site now

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Odd, maybe they sold out? Lol

Gentry’s website still has it listed if you want to grab it from there.

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I was wondering if they had closed it so people would go to Gentry’s site.

I could be reading into things but during Ben’s live stream it felt Gentry was really persistent about getting the link shared to his site.


Gentry Stein dot com

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The ones listed on YYF said they were coming with a 2 yoyo case for the first 20 then it would be gone, I thought it meant the message about the case not the whole listing. I got the blue and rainbow one from there.


I could imagine gentry would like the traffic to go to his site primarily folks usually grab extra stuff and you can’t get that revenue if they go to yyf directly


I got the red too lol!:rofl:


I ordered blue with the rainbow rims, Ben was able to see the sales numbers on gentry’s site so they must be linked :man_shrugging:.


Yeah I’m pretty sure they are. All orders from gentry’s website ship directly from Yoyo factory


Yyf threw in free 2 day fed ex shipping so it’s slated to arrive on Monday the same time as my day 1 amayzing purchases😂


How are you all liking this one? Not a big fan of the original Shutter & to be totally honest, I’ve had nothing but bad luck with YYF so I’m likely going to pass on it. It does look nice though. Right now, there are just way too many other throws and small businesses I’d rather spend my money on. I have about 7 YYF Yoyo’s 4 of which were complete duds, took 2 weeks to hear back from the CS dept and just decided they weren’t worth it anymore, way too many awesome yoyo houses making amazing throws to put up with all that. Plus, I don’t know, Stein putting out a video tooting his own horn that he’s made the best yoyo the world has ever seen was just another turn off for me. :laughing:


To be honest, the 2024 Genpop by yoyofactor feels and plays better than the W1ld Wilderness. It’s superb. The 2024 Superstar is great. The Shutter Elite looks great and was made by a champion. Oh, and the new JDS Boss is awesome!


I went all in on it, but thats after passing on all other shutters so I am just betting on thia one being the best one of the bunch. It passes my eye test and fills a spot in my collection, so I am game for taking the gamble.

What YYF throws do you have? I might be in the market for a second hand throw from them if you are interested in selling. Not like crazy about spending on them but i do think they have a lot to offer still.


Yeah, honestly I don’t think I’ve had a piece of marketing put me off a yo-yo more than that video before :sweat_smile: I know the vibe he’s going for is meant to appeal to children but the exaggeration and creative framing of a few points irked me.

Maybe I’ll still give the elite a go in the future at some point though since I do enjoy the mid-weight vibe of the OG shutter.


What video are we referring to?

This is the one

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I wouldn’t want to pawn the ones I have off to you, the first shutter I bought was stripped, the Kim23 came with loose wobbly weight rings, I’ve given a few away but the others are mainly starter Yoyo’s like The Sage & Replay. Most of my YYF throws are made for other brands. I mostly bought their yoyo’s when I was first getting into this.

Yeah, I agree, the target audience is for kids that unfortunately won’t be able to afford it. I’m sure they are begging their parents for one though. I just thought it was very poor taste but he’s always came off a bit smug to me, sure, he’s earned it but humility goes a long way. No disrespect to any of his fans or the YYF team. Their yoyo’s just aren’t for me. Maybe I’ll try some down the road, I haven’t sworn them off for life or anything. The yoyo that broke the camels back was the Kim 23. I would have bought the Miracle but thankfully they were out of stock everywhere at that time. I’ve read that one has the same problems as the Kim 23.


Thanks for sharing that. Hadn’t seen it yet.

I don’t think it was all that bad, I actually quite enjoyed it. As you guys have mentioned, he’s targeting the young or newbie sort of thrower but that has to be expected to some degree. It’s hard to put metrics on this stuff so the challenges he creates are fun. Are they a hard and fast truth…. Maybe? lol.

I will say some of the Aussie accent videos bug me a little, but whatever. Playing that social media persona has to be tiring.

Too, I don’t feel like he’s tooting his own horn. He just living his history. It’s an impressive one at that so I think it’s well deserved.


I just ordered mine! I will probably be checking the tracking like every hour :joy: :rofl:


OMG! Hells ya!! This one needs steals the Butter!

Butter 2.0