Shutter Elite

On the day of the Shutter Elite’s release, YYF did a livestream and I watched them go over ten minutes with it… no skips, no edits, no anything… all live

It’s more than possible, but spin time is an absolutely pointless metric… as long as you can get through your combos with enough spin power, you’re good.


Thank you, l didn’t remember if it was the launch day or yoyo day stream but I knew there was a stream of it. It should still be available on the yoyofactory youtube channel. I can attest that it has way more spin time than you need for your combos. I had to start adding elements into my combos for my freestyle. Definitely quite a bit more than any other bi metal I own.

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Rabbit holes are fun, I’ve been deep down one or two in my time lol.

Spin time throws arent much fun lol, hard throw then standing there for way too long pinching a little string and twisting and untwisting to mind the tilt.

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Yeah, that’s exactly what I’ve been doing but again, I measure spin time by still being able to bind at the very end but I just can’t see getting anywhere close to 9 min on any of my yoyo’s if I do just let the yoyo spin until it crashes. So, I thought maybe he made an honest mistake & messed up the numbers in the video but I believe y’all. I can see 6 min even but 9 is just insane spin time to me.

I feel like we’ve all measured spin time on our new yoyo’s, what would you all say the average spin time is on… let’s say, a well made bi-metal or even a hybrid yoyo?

I’m going to try some tonight but, honestly, I don’t care too much, just shocked I guess. It’s awesome to get that amount of spin time, I’m jealous but I don’t think I’m going to spend too much time measuring spin time… I think I’ll get bored real quick.

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I haven’t even tried since very early on in my reentry to the hobby, which was over 4 years ago now, but i timed the sage, the shutter, and the iceberg. I can’t remember the exact numbers anymore but I basically concluded that you can easily get a 5 minute sleeper on just about anything they make these days, so long as you have a nice straight throw and keep the string from touching the pads. That was enough for me to stop worrying about it lol. Spin time was a big deal when I was a kid. Everything spins longer than I need it to now, especially if you’re throwing unresponsive.


Yeah, the flat earther rabbit hole is quite entertaining. If you haven’t looked into it, I highly recommend watching a globe vs. flat earth debate some time on YT, they are truly hilarious. I was just interested in how people, in this day and age, can still believe the earth is flat and I got sucked in, lol. It’s not as fun as yo-yoing but not much is, haha. I just watch em in small segments when I’m bored and lazy, I think watching one all the way through in one sitting would drive you absolutely mad, so small doses, especially if you’re new to them.

Actually on second thought it’s probably best just to stay away. :laughing:


I can test it but i dont think I have the patience for it :rofl:.

The Elite is a great yoyo I recommend it if you are considering it. It is as good as any bimetal I own and it is my daily carry. One of my favorites. I cant say it is head and shoulders better than other premium bimetals I own though.

Subjective, and I dont know about spin time, but my Overclock and Da Vinci feel faster, my galaxy diver feels more powerful and is my smoothest bimetal. Shutter Elite I feel is probably the most well rounded of the bunch (hence why its the one I practice with the most).


Ive watched a few professor dave videos, the arguments made are absolutely ridiculous lol. Entertaining but also a little frightening


He did it for about 12min spin i seen that…


Professor Dave is awesome, he has a lot of other great content too… he just deals with science denial overall but dabbles in the flat earth realm as well. He just recently debated one of the flat earthers rock star “Witsit Getsit”. He got destroyed by Dave but all the flerfs came away from that debate acting like they won (which they always think)… the psychology of a flerf is quit fascinating.

Yeah, I agree, it is a bit frightening. There is a dude named Will Duffy, he’s actually a pastor, that knows we live on a globe. He had a successful career in finance, so he has started a challenge called the Final Experiment. He’s paying for 1 flat earther and 1 normal person to go to Antarctica in December to see the 24 hour sun. The flat earthers started immediately panicking, now he’s paying for 2 flat earthers because they were afraid to go alone… I still think they are going to find a way to back out at the very last minute or think of some excuse to how there could be a 24 hour sun in Antarctica on a flat earth (hint, there is no explanation). They did a poll where the public could vote for both sides on who should go. The first one they picked simply declined a free offer to go to Antarctica (all expenses paid, from food, to clothing, to airfare), his excuse was that Will Duffy couldn’t be trusted, he’s controlled opposition. It’s pretty funny to see how all of this unfolds on YT. :laughing:

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I actually am considering it, in fact, I know I’ll end up with it eventually. I just have some things on my wish list that I need to get first… I’m close though.

I did one experiment last night. I got my iceberg to spin for 5 min. Which I can now see how you can get a long spin without it binding at the end. It can spin at a low speed for a surprisingly long time. 12 min is insane. I don’t think I’d have the patients for that but that’s pretty awesome that a yoyo can spin that long.

Then this is room i have to wait till i play the Elite i want to get my skill to train with

The Katz Meow to battle my

To see will be taking the title

Foxland vs yyr
In my room during worlds i have thank Doc Lucky very much too.
But yes

Wow why they have same smile that is funny. I love them both they have help young minds it was cool to see him play time keeper…

Yes i missing that one and the Honey Badger so its a big deal…

Its for me to work on my skills to get yoyo to player creeper that is sleeper for the young ones not old to curse how he said it with practice 15minites i recall a yoyo sold on yoyo expert was in Guinness record too so with the Mega Monster that is me to practice that was yoyo record moment on that throw.

Seen the video feed 3 times past out so i seen it with rewind 1and half times still looking up time sorry i enjoy the whole thing it was a great way to talk and play yoyo everybody’s first way in my eyes at same time i like to rewind allot…

Like the yoyo that was played and i did play with it so yeah i understand about the flores yoyo

go to the way back when old timers yoyo modders oh they do bring some great advice on repairing they tell the quick way then give you a thick book any question… If not i got allot sleepers 20,0000hours it be stage level made skills.