Show some wooden yoyos you've made

I got a 39g maple bloodcell from spinworthy and it is one of my favorites. the pull starts are just chef’s kiss


I’m terrible with building things having spent years trying to do cigar box guitars and cigar box ukuleles. All of these gorgeous photos are inspiring. Is there a ‘start here’ or first build anyone would recommend trying? I have basic equipment.

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I think you pretty much need a lathe to really be able to make anything worth playing. I know @antman and a few others have made rigs using hand drills or a drill press, but I’m not sure how reliable that is.

You’ve definitely come to the right place for information though. I’m sure someone with much better advice will come along any minute.

Don’t remind me! I woke up at like 7am PST to those having already been sold.

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It’s never easy waking up more than an hour after Glen makes a sale post. Freakin hot cakes!


I’ve made and sold several of those over the past few weeks.

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Was that last batch you made of Bloodcells one-piece?

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Yes they were.

Everything I have made apart from Buttons have been one piece. One-piece is the norm for Spinworthy now.


Good to know! Kicking myself for not grabbing one now.

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I plan on making more this weekend. Hopefully 3 or 4. Thats the plan.


Casualty uncrossing my fingers and letting out a sigh of relief.

Also, from another topic, if $300 for a hand turned acetal resin yoyo is what they’re worth then that’s what they’re worth. It’s still the resin of choice to replace ABW and ivory in high end woodwinds, and would cost me $3000-5000 for a replica to be hand turned and tuned, $300 for a service. Big value difference for items that are hand tuned before going out into the world, and not all lathe operators can do tricks


Yes indeed. However, who would pay that?

Everyone looks at that and thinks ‘why pay that when I can get a YYF Dove?’ That’s reasoning that I can understand.

It doesn’t matter one bit that virtually nobody else in the world makes what I make. An expensive yoyo is an expensive yoyo.

I do need to add though that my plastic unresponsives play and feel like no other plastic machined yoyo you can buy.


People who intend to win competitions! Also collectors of ultra high end yo-yos. My woodwind shelf is filled with second hands but they were originally paid for in full by concert musicians who had no choice but to spend heaps

Ok, I’m ready! I just hope they don’t sell out before I wake up.


People who intend to win competitions buy the latest and greatest bimetal. Not a hand turned Spinworthy plastic.

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I would pay that for one if the timing was right, financially.


At the moment 1A is absolutely dominated by bi-metals, but the current point system is also funneling performance towards godspeed tech. The people who click the clickers have noticed different variety in routines and changes are being discussed, some have already been made. I’m curious to see where that goes.
I don’t think 4A and 5A have been taken over by bi-metals yet? Probably 5A in some comps.

Other than that, anything made by RSO or anything Ti would be a fairly expensive mono-metal to never use on stage. Doesn’t stop me wanting a RSO though, I’ll just watch the BSTs.

Even if they’re rare commission items, I’d be shocked if no one comes asking you to make another Stout.

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Thanks, @FrankDeath, for making this happen! I will make you some yoyos from it soon!


I’m relieved that they arrived. I was worried about the shipping paperwork :smile:


It was also very fast!

You must tell me of your shipping method so that I can inform the company that makes them that shipping these affordably to Australia is possible.