My favorites are Soul Eater, Naruto, Hellsing Ultimate (tv version is ok but no where near as good), Akame ga Kill, Kill la Kill, Assassination Classroom and SO many more. I’m watching One Punch Man right now along with a few others.
I have like 200gb worth of anime (each is about 70 to 200mb so you can see how many titles is that) I don’t know where to start lol
Watching Kuroko no basuke. Really exaggerated but still really good. Mild humor. I recommend it.
i watch anime sometimes but something i recommend you watch is Samurai X … you could search it up on youtube there are two versions though you can search the english dubbed version or the original Japanese version, I’m pretty lazy and didn’t feel like reading subtitles and i watch the english dubbed version.
So… Anything good this season? Haven’t had much time to watch Anime :
GATE Self Defense Forces has been pretty good so far.
Haikyuu!! Has been going strong for me. I’ve been enjoying it a lot. Also, erased has peaked my interested. Wasn’t sure about it but figured I got nothing else to watch at the moment so gave it a go. Intrigued to know what happens next.
What do you guys think about classroom assassins. I’ve seen a few episodes and think it is pretty decent.
been wanting to check that out. Keep forgetting about it.
The only animes that have managed to really interest me are:
Manly anime like Fist of the North Star, Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure etc…
Initial D
Area 88
& Fullmetal Alchemist.
full metal alchemist or full metal
Alchemist brotherhood?
If you have never seen it the anime casshern sins is quite awesome. So is dead man wonderland, if you can stomach how vulgar it is haha.
Decided to watch Naruto. Because… Naruto!
I hate the pacing sometimes, but it’s OK so far. Apparently I’m just starting the arc where it gets good, though (ep 20, Chunin exams).
The Chunin exam arc is a great one indeed! Gaara = Boss.
I was the biggest Naruto fan, but after reading the manga I struggled to go back to the anime. Way too much filler and non-canon aplenty. The anime is still a good watch, but I just WISH that it had less filler, especially during the key fight scenes.
Also, (spoiler alert? Don’t really think it gives anything away though.)
the ‘Pain Invasion’ arc was the greatest arc in the entire story IMO, it was a masterpiece, and they completely butchered it in the Anime. I still shudder just to think of it. :-[
That being said, if you don’t ever plan on reading the manga, it’s a good watch.
Not planning to read the manga. However, definitely planning to Google “Naruto filler” or other helpful term and then skip everything considered “filler” in the anime. Too many things to watch, I don’t mind skipping 200 episodes (or whatever) of non-canon.
I like the manga a lot better for Naruto, well almost every single manga that are made into anime, the manga version is usually better. I mean, there is just something lost in the anime, like, the style of the mangaka is generally rarely depicted close enough in the anime, the characters often seems like “different people”. though I prefer the language in anime because sometimes I don’t even need subtitles, but I struggle reading raw mangas.
Btw I’m now watching Samurai Champloo, it’s pretty… realistic, unlike Rurouni Kenshin which is softened a lot. I mean, when you swing a sword, you would expect body parts to come off, not “just” blood.
Also I think it’s funny, there is a lot of things in anime that we’ll never be able to discuss because of the forum rules lol. There are some more anime I’m currently on my way, but they are mostly not safe for work stuff :
I definitely believe that most manga are better than their corresponding anime. Anime fits into “TV watching time” for me, though. I use “reading time” on the huge stack of novels I need to catch up on.
Has anyone on these forums ever watched Hitman Reborn?
HUGE Naruto fan here
Haikyuu!! has been great this season. Also enjoying erased quite a bit. And the last episode of konosuba had me rolling in laughter