Re-start: Anime fans?

If anyone enjoys sports, or even if you don’t, check out haikyu! It’s pretty amazing. Really funny. brings back memories of being in high school and is really suspenseful. On episode two of second season and it makes me sad that I have to wait another week.

Anyone watching the new series of this season? So far onepunch man has my attention. I’ve also been looking at other anime that came out for the Fall season. I’m kinda busy with school and such, so watching anime has slowed down for me ::slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it really that good? The op really looks wrong. Not sure if I would be able to finish this series. From this seasons list, I and currently watching haikyuu!!, god eater and the asterisk war. Enjoying them all so far

Has anyone seen No Game, No Life? My frien recommended it but was no clear on what it talked abiu so I would like a brief summayof it if possible. Thanks.

Brother and sister never lose at any game. Real life games start to bore them when they get a strange message that asks if they want to participate in a new game that would change their life but would have to leave their own world. Both accept and end up in an alternate universe where they begins to conquer the new world through various challenges against other territories. It’s pretty good but no one is sure if a second season will happen since the art work was supposedly stollen from other animes and mangas

Thanks. It seems very interesting.

Does anyone like to watch a series more than once? I love to watch titles such as: Hajime no ippo, RosarioxVampire , or SAO a second time. I like to revisit anime’s that I’ve finished the first time. I can experience the same joy that I did, when I watched it the first time. :smiley:

absolutely. I rematch all the time. There are only a handful that I can rewatch though. i am kinda burnt out on Sao since I’ve seen it like 3 or 4 times(showing other people) but I’m sure I’ll wanna rewatch it after I see the movie.


You’ve heard about the new movie too? I’m looking forward to it.

of course I have. There are only a few things I obsess over. And number 1 and 2 are yoyos and anime.

its too bad they didn’t go with a series for mothers Rosario but a movie will have to do.

Anyone seen a Chinese anime called Kuiba? I dunno if there is a subbed version but if anyone finds it they should watch it. Also maybe post a link here so I can share with my other anime loving friends.

You and me both! ;D

check out is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon? It’s kinda similar.

I got into Oreimo for a bit, the last OVA episodes made me angry. But I still like the series even with a crud ending. Then came Log Horizon I really liked that one, I hope that the latest light novels make it over to the states cause I want to continue the story. Now I’m watching Utawarerumono The False Faces.

Well, I just finished No Game No Life, Tokyo Ghoul, and Tokyo Ghoul √A. Does anyone know if they are making another Tokyo Ghoul? I know they are making a second season of No Game No Life.

Found my favorite anime subbed to share with you guys.

Hope you guys like it. ;D

i have trouble sharing this with people. But I really enjoyed this series.

Anyone enjoy watching Anime reviewers/ anime related channels on Youtube? For me it’s: The Anime Man, Jbduchiha, Lost Pause, Saeyer7mage, and many more :wink:

Here are what I’ve been watching.
Soul eater and Future Diary (未来日記, Mirai Nikki).
I think I like those psychologically thrilling/passive agressive animes like Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note, and Future Diary better but I would prefer to read the action mangas. ::slight_smile:

If you haven’t watched it already, then I would recommend Grisia no Rakuen :smiley: Since you like psychological anime :wink: