Re-start: Anime fans?


No im kidding. It’s kinda a cartoon

Grandmaster- I feel you. Everyone has different taste. Some relate better than others etc.

Anyone play Visual Novels? I only played a few, but a few that I really liked are:

  1. Princess Evangile
  2. Nekopara
  3. Sakura series
    And a few more that I can’t remember :smiley:

like dating simulators or whatever they’re called where you’re choices produce the outcome?

Sort of, but this is more like a Manga that you can play like a game; where you just watch the story unfold. It’s sort of like a Manga, drawn in an anime style that you can play on PC or whatever console. Only in a few VN’s it is like a dating sim. That’s why it’s called Visual Novels. It’s a little hard to explain, but once you’ve seen it; you’ll know what I’m talking about. Check out Princess Evangile; it’s a really good VN :wink:

No pc. Any for consoles? Good one rather? Also dating sims for guys? I seem it often in amines and feel like I need to conquer one.

Fandom attacked? What you mean like with spoilers and what not?

Each to their own, I personally loved attack on Titan. Been a big fan of the manga and was worried that the Anime might not live up to it (like Naruto), but to see them stick to the story without any needless filler and to have such fluid animation was a welcome surprise. Looking forward to season 2 9even though I’m currently up to date on the manga).

I’m interested, what did you feel was predictable about it? I’ve found the entire AoT storyline to be very deep and complicated.

I’ll admit,


The fact that Eren was the titan running around attacking the others was a lot less obvious in the manga imo. In the Anime they have the same hair and eye colour and the way it’s all presented just seems really obvious (I watched it with my sister and she guessed pretty much straight away), whereas when I first red the manga, I was actually shocked when it was revealed that Eren was a Titan. The fact that it was all in colour probably didn’t help:

Example: Compare-

Still, the characters as a whole are a lot easier to recognise. In the manga I get lost sometimes since a lot of the characters look so similar, in the anime it was a lot easier to follow who was who.


Watched an anime I stumbled across on Netflix the other day called “Terror in Resonance” and was thoroughly impressed. There was only like 11/12 episodes, but I was enthralled, and it’s captivated me more so than any other anime has in recent memory.

I’m not saying it’s AMAZING, but I did enjoy it a lot. Great soundtrack as well. Can recommend. :slight_smile:


Talking about the female Titan. As soon as I saw, I knew who it was.

Really don’t know of any, I played all my VN’s on my PC. I downloaded them from steam. You might have some looking around to do :). VN’s on steam are all relatively cheap. Though I’m sure that they have sims for guys too, just never played any.

I personally loved AOT, and can’t wait for the 2nd season!

Hey everyone, what is your favorite (if you have one) genre on Anime?

I don’t have a favorite, I just watch whatever looks interesting :wink: I do often like to watch: Action/Adventure, Horror, Comedy, Slice of Life, Fantasy etc.

Large Robot.

Action/Adventure with fantasy/sci-fi themes.

Though there are exceptions. Ghibli stuff… Death Note…

They pretty much all interest me as long as the story is good with cool characters. Haven’t seen much horror cause there’s not to much of it. Recently picked up school live thinking it would be a good anime to put me to sleep but its turned out to be pretty good. That, rokka and god eater have had most of my attention lately.

Yep as long as it interests me then it is good.

Gomel, have you watched school live yet? Phenomenal. So much detail. It was really well done.

Action or Sports. Sports anime usually coincides with action anyway.

Rewatched Eyeshield 21 and finished all the episodes because I didn’t watch them all growing up.

Started rewatching Prince of Tennis over the weekend. On episode 50-ish. Will rewatch Initial D after that. Because racing that’s why. And I remember watching like 4 episodes spaced out growing up and never coming back to it each time.

check out haikyuu! It’s pretty great. Season two comes next month

Anyone watched the first ep. of One Punch Man yet? I didn’t get far in the Manga, but this is an awesome series. I recommend it to anyone :smiley:

Is there only one episode so far? I like to binge on anime. I’ll wait til a season is done. :wink:

Didn’t realise they had started an Anime of it. I’m an avid follower of the Manga. :smiley:

Onepunch man is just a brilliant premise (the main character is so ridiculously powerful that he beats all his opponents with one punch), and whilst it seems like they’d run out of ideas pretty quickly with an unbeatable hero, they’ve kept it going brilliantly so far.

Great humour in it as well, not least because the hero is completely bald. Can definitely recommend as easy, fun reading that’ll give you a good chuckle. :slight_smile:

^^^ :smiley:

First impression of the Anime was: :o :o :o :o :o :o

The animation was soooo on point and fluid. I love the ridiculously large scale battles that Saitama battles with different opponents. Madhouse did a really good job of the first Ep. Hope to see more soon. :wink:

What the heck? One punch man looks unappealing.