Pretty sure I watched or at least started to watch HSD Kenichi.
Would be amazing to see a yoyo that has an engraving on Naruto pulling off a Rasengan on one side, and Sasuke with his chidori on the other side. I wish I could do engravings.
I’ve thought about this before! Would be awesome to see it done. Also I think that the Sharingan would be pretty epic too!
Great yo-yoers think alike. lol Just kidding. But I agree. That would be really epic to see. Maybe Someday… … Maybe
Been really into Attack On Titan.
Just watched the live action version. Unfortunately, not as good as the Anime.
Any other Anime like AOT you guys can recommend?
figured it wouldn’t be as good. Heard it was terrible. What do you think?
I don’t think it’s bad at all, but I watched it before the Anime version.
Wanted to know, what streaming sites do you guys us to watch your anime? I used and still use several sites today
Here’s what I use:
. Kissanime
. Crunchyroll (sometimes)
. Rawranime
. Watchcartoononline
. Neonally
Mainly crunchyroll cause its on Xbox. If the anime is mt available, anime season.
^^ Nice! I use multiple sites, cause some sites have more options and better stream quality than others. I find myself using Kissanime, Rawranime and Crunchyroll often
ive used kiss anime before but didn’t notice much better stream quality. We talking better definition or quicker buffering?
Both! I find that Rawr and Kissanime offer high def, and fast buffering. That’s just what I’ve noticed from using the site often. I’m sure that there are other sites out there, that can offer the same; or probably better quality. For now, I’m very happy with what I got going on
P.S: Looks like kissanime is down again :-\ Look here:
So there is going to be a Anime Con. in Sacramento, CA this weekend… is anyone going?
jealousy!!! East coast sucks for anime. Even comicon has gotten weak.
Creator of Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto; will be at the NY Anime Convention From Oct.7-10. His first appearance in the U.S.
cries in the corner, wishing he could go
I’m right there with you. We can cry together. lol I live in California. No way I can go to NY. But it would sure be amazing to meet him.
Regretfully? Please elaborate.
Hm, I will say that it did go in a different direction than I had thought/wanted an became some what predictable. But still enjoyed it
I get you. I’ve seen many nasty things in the Anime community, and there really are problems that can’t be solved. For ex; people can ruin things for anime viewers like spoilers, hate reviews, etc.
It’s really the matter that some people can’t accept the opinions of others, and this can lead to many nasty arguments in the community. We’re all there to watch anime, and it should be that way. You can watch what you what, how you want. I enjoy many series that others probably hate or dislike. That doesn’t bother me in the slightest.
BTW, I also enjoyed that
Hopefully this doesnt turn into an Anime vs. Cartoon war LOL