Preferred string length poll

I’m preferably at the solar plexus for shorter strings and at the bottom of my sternum for slightly longer strings

I have found that a full length Zipline feels best to me, which is roughly 3 inches above my belly button.


And darn are you tall- i do use 3 inches above belly button too though

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6 foot, so only slightly.

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I am a tall man so just above my belly button works just fine.

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Mine goes all the way up to my shoulder.

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I measure from the end of my finger to the yo-yo. That wasn’t in the poll so i didn’t vote.


ehem *4”7

I keep an unused Kitty Fat around and use that as my measurement. Ziplines’ length is good too. Any longer and I risk smacking the yoyo on the floor.

Im thinking about changing my string length.


I have really been enjoying Angelo-level string length, i’m short so it is WAYY easier, people who don’t cut strings are missing out.


I agree with @JWaugh. I recommend to everyone to at least try shorter strings.

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Urgh I hate short strings. But I 100% agree the string has to be correct relative to your height, or you’re gonna have a bad time!


lol I don’t use the full string but I don’t cut it either. I’m just going to change it in about a week or even a couple days if I’m really hardcore :face_with_monocle:


I agree that height plays a role, but I think yoyo size also matters. I think full sized yoyos and up feel awful with shorter strings. Less room to more your human sized hands and all

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Taka: laughs in japanese


Somehow I knew you were going to do this.


I honestly don’t know. I’m 5’9" and I have never had a problem with the standard length of any yoyo that I have tried, so I just roll with it.

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I love the super tall Eiffel Tower he throws in there! That shoot the moon is epic too! Thanks for sharing!


I definitely prefer a slightly longer string for 1A. Around stomach height is a good height because I have enough string to work with on technical tricks and not so much that I feel I have to hold my throw hand over my head until the blod drains from my fingers to avoid scraping floor.

However, for looping I like a slightly shorter string, but not too short. I tried a waist length on a looper once because I read somewhere that it was better for loopers to have a shorter string. I kept hitting the end of the string earlier than I expected, so on a downward throw it would come back at an odd angle upon hitting the end of the string and bite me in the shins. On a forward throw it would threaten to rear back too fast and without winding up as efficiently for a loop-de-loop and whack me in the forehead. I tried to stick with it for a while, but I soon felt that keeping that up it would have been like repeatedly dunking Gizmo in a swimming pool, so I trashed that string and settled for strings that were belly button to stomach length for loopers.