One Drop Love!

That approach works. As well, just playing through it works. They can get a little loud during the break in period but eventually quiet back down. This is what I usually recommend. As for flat vs string centering, that is a personal preference thing for each player. We are choosing to honor the spirit of the Difeo Patent so that is why we only have a flat bearing. We love our bearing, but fully understand if someone wants to swap out for string centering.


High praise for ethics. While I enjoy string centering bearings, I have to say the OD 10ball are my favorite flat bearings.

Also, having played my prescription all weekend, it is just what the doctor ordered!

I always find it interesting how some yoyos really shine with a flat bearing, others with a CT of some sort. I put a DS Platinum in my Prescription and it became an entirely different yoyo. I’ve got a couple Kuntosh’s that seem to really want a flat bearing. Weird thing. Maybe it’s all psychological, but seems like some yoyos play better with one or the other.

Totally agreed! I generally play all my OD SE yoyos with flat bearings, I popped in a KK into my Prescription and it came to life for me! All of my tapped OD’s I prefer with KK’s though… The Valor, Top Deck and Citizen IMHO all play sooo much better with a KK.

I feel the same way. I find that most One Drops I’ve had play really well with flat bearings but some throws like YYR and Sengoku pretty much demand a centering bearing.

I put a KK in my Top Deck also. But my Cabal, Rebirth, MN, MP, and MC all play a lot better with a flat.

Glad to see it’s not just me that feels that way about bearings. I’ve even taken centering bearings out of yoyos that came with them and put flats in them when it seemed like it needed that.

Great. Now I feel the need to alter my Prescription with a centering bearing. I will report back later.

Well, I altered my Prescription (so far, no unwanted Side Effects, just the purple ones it came with ;D )

However, it is a completely different beast. I thought it was stable with the OD 10 Ball, but, with the centering bearing, it is rock solid. I was loving it before, now, I’m almost infatuated with it.

Altering your Prescription may result in unintended Side Effects!



One of the funniest things I have read all day!

I took the shields off, cleaned it with acetone, and treated it with Terrapin Dry Lube. It spins fine now! I don’t think in this case it was a break-in issue, rather just some dirt/grit that got into it.

I’ve had that backspin issue with other yoyos with flat bearings, and it could very well be my lack of skill.

I agree with all the talk about finding the right combinations. Yoyos with various bearings and string… usually it’s not the best individual components, but the best and/or personally preferred characteristics brought about by the various combinations of components.

I also applaud the ethics of OD, and it makes me question the purchase of any other kind of centering bearing for myself. Of course, OD has the option of using an actual KK in any yoyo they choose…

Back on topic, the Gauntlet is definitely not the only OD I’ll be owning!

I’m not claiming it’s necessarily the superior ethical position. People work around patents all the time. But it’s just the position we are choosing. True we could ship with KKs but they are more expensive so the price of our yoyos would go up. As well, we love our bearing and have been putting them in our yoyos since the beginning (almost 10 years now). Since bearings are easily removed in our yoyos, everyone is free to their preference as well demonstrated in this thread :slight_smile:


So question for the group. I will be getting the cabal soon but I was wondering if there’s a certain metal throw that would be good to start with?

From the Cabal the Markmont Classic would be great!! Similar shape and excellent performance!

If you like the shape of the cabal, Markmont classic. That is what the cabal was designed off of.

Markmont Classic is definitely a fun throw.

I’ll definitely give that a try with my newest bearing. Thanks for the advice!

Thank you guys for the advice! I am really enjoying this community

That’s what makes this community great. The people.

Since you’re getting a Cabal, why not get something metal that’s substantially different? I’d recommend starting with a Kuntosh, Vanguard, Terrarian, or an H Benchmark, depending on how much money you want to spend.

The Cabal and Markmont Classic are different YoYos, to be sure, but something vastly different from the Cabal might give you some greater variety. Whatever you get, have fun!

Pretty much you could close your eyes these days and randomly click on a link on YoYoExpert and get yourself a really good metal yoyo. Not many metals being made this day that are just bad, probably 0 actually.

But a really great yoyo that is coming out soon, and it’s way underpriced IMO, is the One Drop Prescription. It’s going to play differently than the Cabal, but still has a really comfy shape and plays great.

But it ultimately depends on what you’re looking for in a metal yoyo.