New Titanium release from iYoYo - The TiTANiC!

Wow thanks for the comprehensive reply. I have to admit that the description is on another retailer’s store page advertising it instead of a review. I’m not really interested in the capability of the yoyo because I suck anyway so as long as the yoyo is generally stable it’s fine for me. I buy so many mini throws so performance isn’t really a huge factor for me haha. What I’m interested in is the play feel. Like the feeling it has on the string. Whether it feels light and floaty, super nimble or is it solid with a strong presence on the string (not really a fan of the latter).

From what you said it looks like the titanic is something that I’ll want because I love nimble yoyos that make me want to go fast.

Do you have a hummingbird? If you do, does the titanic feel similar? Because the hummingbird is my grail right now with the perfect balance of being solid while also being fast and nimble.