Best titanium?

So I’ve tried a few titaniums and I want to finally get a nice one. So far I’ve got a tivayder, and I’ve played a burger and a tide hunter pretty extensively. I think the tivayder is a really fun and mostly good yoyo, but it lacks stability.

The burger particularly with the green rims was awesome, stable, long spinning, and despite feeling very solid it was decently maneuverable.

And the tidehunter is also pretty fun, it plays lighter than the specs, but lacks performance across the board, and the ti sound is slightly dull.

I’m half in on just getting my own burger, but I wonder if there are other options on the market that might play even better, I’ve been thinking about the mustangs, but I don’t obviously know every titanium yoyo, so I turn to the community for your experience, do you guys have anything in mind for a stable, long spinning, maneuverable, and ideally feels light on the string? (I would compromise on feel before performance in this case)

DISCLAIMER: My title is slightly misleading, IK there isn’t a “best”


I am very biased but RSO Martian is exceptional, G2 TiTriton is incredible.


You can get a topyo spore at a steal!

So I don’t own a ti myself but I’ve played with plenty of others so take my advice how you want. The one that really stood above the rest was the Alchemik yoyos tyrant. For me it is the perfect premium feeling Yoyo that is very nimble with a lot of power despite feeling light. The D bearing is also a nice touch. I would love to own one someday but for now I don’t have 350 bucks to drop in a Yoyo.
Good luck with your search!


I own basically all versions weight wise when it comes to mustangs. I love that yoyo and would say it checks all boxes except it is not very light on the string. If you are fan of wide yo-yos it is maybe also not for you.
If you decide for a Mustang and like “lighter” def go for the OG not a G5 or ES.


Atmos Ari checks out all the boxes (I can’t compare it to Mustangs cause I don’t own any of them). It’s definitely heavier than Burger though.

RSO Mini Bowl Ti needs an honorable mention, checks out all the boxes and is one of the best throws I have feel-wise.


42.5 is adequate width wise, and it’s the only titanium afaik that has actually been used in competition (not that I’m a comp player, but it speaks to the yoyo’s performance)

The only thing that has me on the edge is spending $450 on a yoyo I’ve never tried. I guess to some extend that is the game you play when getting into titanium, though. I’ve never heard of anyone disliking the mustang, though, so I’m slowly building courage.

My cousin just got a triton, I’ll be able to try it this weekend :grin: so it may become a serious candidate. It was his burger I got to try as well :hamburger::drooling_face:.

I mean compared to a burger it is definitely an other ballpark play wise. I collected eight now over the years and it is still my most played yoyo out of (too) many :smile:. As always a matter of taste but definitely a very good performer.

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Atmos Ari and YYFRxPUCKETT alliance are sick if you like side effects yo-yos


The side effects and caps compatibility has me really interested in this, actually, do you have any idea what a good wtb price would for one of these?

The burger was very light without the plastic rims, and maybe a bit less stable than the tivayder, I think the disks really take it up a notch. But I would think the mustang should be better, seeing as it was designed as a performance forward throw.

I would describe it like comparing a fun throw with a powerhouse beast.
But I am a bit biased like I said :smile:

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If yoyo want very cheap and very performant Ti you could go for an iYoyo Titanic. You can find these super cheap on the bst sometimes and it is a lot of power and also lighter.


Hideo Ishida actively competes with the Aquilegia. Hajime competed with a Para Autoscopy pair last year, and dkim competed with the Distortion. I feel like Keiran also used the ti Cadence in the past?

The list of people using ti for competition is growing, using ti is just prohibitively expensive for anybody who isn’t a sponsored player that doesn’t have to pay for the yoyos.

OG Mustang is nice but being ti feels more like a fun novelty than being an actual good use of titanium to me, although maybe just being a fun novelty is a good use of ti. It just depends on your perspective and what you want. Aquilegia is the only titanium yoyo I’ve played that I actively thought was great, but Mustang G5 is real nice if you like the Takeshi shape. Although if the Burger looks nice to you, just get the Burger.

If you’re looking for a higher level of performance, then forget about titanium just get a normal al+ss bimetal or something and call it a day. If you’re looking at ti, just make sure you like the specs/design/people behind the yoyo, and if all those aspects of the yoyo seem good to you, then it’ll most likely be a worthwhile purchase.


The RSO Udon :ramen:


Is interesting you only like the G5 which is for me of all mustangs I own the one I like least. But yeah a matter of taste.


My personal ideal titanium feels something like the idea of a bimetal weight distribution hiding within the body of a monometal. OG Mustang feels like a nice and very comfy to play/easy to move monometal, but I felt like it was lacking the power and presence similar to a bimetal that I wanted.

I feel like I’ve played a good handful of titanium yoyos and the Aquilegia/Mustang G5 were the only two that actually made me feel like I was getting that bimetal hiding in the body of a mono. But I feel like for this reason, these two yoyos might be a letdown to others who personally just want something that feels lighter and more comfortable to play.


The Yoyofriends Crosscut gives me a monometal feeling but plays like a bimetal. Much more affordable than the two you mentioned as well.

The Ari is also really really good, it has a special feeling similar to the TiVayder, but while performant that isn’t it’s main focus. I bet the Polaris is very good if that’s what you want.


Caps and side effects are such a cool play feature, it has me seriously thinking.