Need Something FAST, Light, & Stable

Hey guys, I’m looking for something FAST, light, and stable. Probably something under 64 grams. I’m guessing that this means more rim weight, so a bi-metal or premium hybrid would probably fit the bill. I love to play fast and flowey tricks with minimal directional changes, both vert and horizontal.

Here’s an example of my desired play style:

I’d prefer something under $120, but can stretch it if need be. What do you guys recommend?


Humminbird. Very fast, light(62g) and really stable:)


I’ve not tried those. People usually compare it to them. I can tell the humminbird is definitely what you are looking for, but I don’t know if there is something better. Maybe someone with more experience can tell you



If you want to see a pretty thorough comparison of the Hummingbird and Draupnir, then check out @Mazdarx7FD’s comparison video on YouTube.

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I’d love the try the Sync and compare it to the Top Deck, but the one I really want is the raw version, and nobody’s selling theirs… :frowning:

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Man that dude is crazy fast.

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You could try looking at the YYR Slepnir or C3 crown

Here is one of the fastest player with Hummingbird.

Fast, light and stable?

Well; her name is Suzy.

But I’ll have to find her phone number…



Hummingbird fits your criteria well.

However, C3yoyodesign 7075 (fast, solid, stable, spins good), Draupnir and Overdrive Draupnir (both are light, fast, stable, agile, spins good) are good to go if you find one with good price on BST…

Get this!


Agreed, the Voyage really impressed me. If you want lightweight that is a really good choice!


Woooow, 58 grams!!! :open_mouth:

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I have a feeling this ones gonna be epic! Hey @YoYoExpertGarrett are the spikes sharp enough to matador and pull start? How are the fingerspins? What’s the blast finish feel like?

Spikes aren’t quite sharp or pronounced enough to work well for matador tricks. The blast finish is nice and smooth, not so abrasive that fingernails will leave marks, good feel to it. And I don’t fingerspin metal yo-yos I don’t own so can’t say, gotta be careful not to leave any marks.