Most damaged you've caused with your yoyo.

@ Rasta, Everyones happy then! YAY

You can tell me, no one else will know, you didn’t like the table did you?

:-[ no shhhhhhh dont tell my mommy :wink:

haha at least you did not break a flat screen tv. 2,000 bucks (even if you do not have it) down the drain.


@ Rasta, I promise I won’t tell her… yet!

Evil Laugh and Evil Grin

Hahah wow Rasta that sucks but at least you didnt get a glass shard in your eye haha that would suck.

like in happy treefriends.

HAHA happy tree friends is hilarious.

that was me. an my marmot is fine. your atmosphere not so much. =) it was still probably the scariest moment of my lunch.

Shut up jerk :wink: My Atmosphere plays just as smooth as ever, It’s still my most used throw to date… Until my Hectic gets in that is ;D


I made my teaches nose bleed with my dark magic!!! The string broke in the hall when i was showing off to my friends HAHA! ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile:

How much trouble did you get in? As much as id love for my BOSS to hit some teachers in the face, dont think it would be worth the amount of trouble =/

true lol,

yes very haha.

a constant bruis(spelling) on my elbow
my sis’s hand :stuck_out_tongue:
almost made a hole in the wall :stuck_out_tongue:
that’s it

ive hit a few people :o
then i knocked myself out once (i wasnt paying attention) ;D
then i think just the all around string breaking and the yoyo rolling down the hall of the school.
then on my Dark Magic the entire plastic part that holds the axle cracked and now its unusable so i bout a yyf genesis and its great :smiley:

Got a bruise on my upper eye area. It blinded me for a few minutes.

I just hit myself in the face with my GM2 like a half hour ago. Does brain damage count?

I got hit on the head due to practicing loops with my looping yoyo