Modern Responsive

Xt is pretty dope. Especially for 6 bucks.


throw a pair of thin shims into the XT and it increases the kickback a little bit. makes it an absolute monster for STM!


I’ll have to find some. Wouldn’t shims make it less responsive?

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If you have regular Butterflies or more expensive modern responsives then it’s easy to skip. I did mention that I haven’t picked it up in a while…. I have 4 from when I was just starting out and wanted all the colors.

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It does make it slightly less responsive, but the xt is already ridiculously responsive but also has like negative kickback. For me it mostly made it shoot the moon closer to correct than anything else.

Ive shared a link to thin shims in another thread, gotta go dig it up but McMaster Carr has them


Thanks for the link! I’ll check them out.

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Those shims are excellent.


You’re welcome!!


Good call @TryCatchThrow. Reds are back in stock. Thats a very recent addition. So much for achieving greatness.


I will work toward not holding out on you.


I finally ordered an XT. :grin:


Sometimes they can be hit or miss. I’ve had some xt’s that play like a dream out of the box and some that just straight up suck. No response, too much response, string shredders, etc. I half swapped a blue and magenta and switched some caps around until I got the play that I wanted. You might wanna grab a couple more in case you need to switch some things around.


Anyone here who knows me will tell you I’m not afraid to tear things up till they act the way I like. :wink:
If only there were perfection at $6 a pop. :rofl::rofl:


I even have 2 Deep States that are set up identically, but play completely different. With one being just plain perfect and the other; not bad, but leaning decidedly more semi-responsive. Makes me scared to do a loop because I’m not sure how it’ll react.

I’ve gotten all of mine pretty consistent with just a little thick lube in the bearing.


One of my favorite things about this hobby is that there’s a lot of fun to be had for less than $20. I have way too many yo-yos at that price point (in part because of looping, but I digress) and most of them I feel I got my money’s worth (except the Yomega Raiders; they are fussy).


My good friend @Hojo-YoYo turned me on to these and I could not be happier. I like undersized throws and these come in at 49.99mm and weigh 55.3g. Its a unique design with a metal rim with plastic caps on both sides. It makes a unique sound as the string winds and unwinds giving it a cool personality. As best I know it they made very few if these and sold even less. It looks like another company may pick the design up. I hope so.

This is not my picture but shows the construction.

Edit: I left off the 2.17mm gap making it easily responsive. I use a slightly shorter string but with the weight you don’t need to compromise much.


Boy. Those a pretty.

Here is my list of favorite modern responsive throws.
Some play better, some feel better, some look better, but for me the RBC has it all. Out of the 8 RBCs I have my Red/Black YYE edition plays the best, probably because it was my first.

  1. RBC (always with me)
  2. Confusion (w/hubstacks)
  3. EL MiJo 7075
  4. Kasm
  5. Do Pop Thing
  6. YYF Beacon
  7. Origen

Sorry, had to show them off again


Ohh I forgot all about this little guy. Very fun small responsive. I got mine in a bit before my travel then it sat on a shelf for a month lol.