Mine definitely have to the the RBC and Deep State. That being said, I’d like to give some others a spin.
Have you tried the DocPop Weekender?
Edit: it is listed, but out of stock, so may not qualify here. Fairly sure there was a new run recently. . .
Idk if any are in production, I think there’s still some red blood cells in stock. That’s a winner.
I have been pining over the the Weekender and Daytripper since I first saw them. Never been able to get my hands on either though.
RBC is my favorite yoyo. I may have to get another just so I’ll feel comfortable leaving the house with one.
It looks like the last Weekender restock was Sept '22, so not so recently. That could be good or bad news for future availability.
After trying a few, I decided that I didn’t like any modern responsive better than I liked playing my fixed axle Butterfly (not the newest). The Deeper State was the one that I stuck with the longest.
FH1 and it’s not even close
G2 Respawn is a good one. The OG version allows for more modern responsive play and the newer Lite version more traditional responsive play.
The Respawn Lite looks cool. I’ve always been a fan of that shallow dish looking cup design. So simple and pleasing.
Not a modern responsive, more of a re-release, but good nonetheless.
I figured someone might bring this up but I posted it anyways since it’s less of a re-release and more of a modern, slightly updated remake. Not being made from the OG mold means it’s close but not exact, the response being updated from friction stickers to pads, the fact that you can grab a kit to make it unresponsive, and that it’s in production and selling like crazy was good enough for me to consider it a “modern responsive.”
Yeah makes sense.
The RBC doesn’t count as a modern responsive still in production. Its not in production anymore.
The Doc Pop Thing is dropping this Friday if you’re looking for something new…
The Layer Infinity Kasm and YYF Confusion are also both excellent players.
I also still play my Butterfly XT every week.
Will it ever be again you think?
I was like, what’s the Doc Pop thing? Then I realized, it’s the Doc Pop “Thing”. That does look pretty sweet. Been a while since I’ve purchased a plastic yoyo.
I know that the RBC isn’t in production but you can still find them and it’s my favorite!
yoyoexpert locus v6
Any idea where I can find more info on that Doc Pop Thing (other than that one Instagram post). My Googling skills are failing me.
The information you are looking for is in your link…