Modern Responsive

I can understand that.


The trick is to nag @Glenacius_K a little but not so much that he bumps you down his commission list…


L seems polycarb is a pain point with how Duncan is also really not interested in doing it again for the feeehands.

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I don’t agree with Glen here, but it’s not a priority for me to push that idea anyhow

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It won’t work properly unless it is hollow bodied and hollow bodied plastics are very expensive to make.

Sure, we could make one that is solid, but it will be small or a squashed flat weird shape, but that would be…weird

Sometimes weird is good but sounds like y’all have stuff in the works anyway.

I say we just wait patiently for their next release… I for one am not upset that it is not plastic.

I mean as patiently as we “Can” wait.


so this just got a rerun out of nowhere :open_mouth:

metal version of saber wing / stealth raider / aqua dragon by turning point.


I love the Stealth Raider and have drooled over the Remix from Turning Point. :drooling_face:

I’m not familiar with the Stealth Raider. I’ll check it out. All three of the new Duncans, Freehand Mini, FH2 and World Class can be made responsive pretty easily. I’ve got both versions of the Mini and the World Class and they throw great. I was pushing the small bearing Mini I’ve been having a lot of fun with my Samurai.


The Stealth Raider is a plastic winged Raider from Yomega. The Stealth Remix is an aluminum version of that yo-yo made by Turning Point. That’s the one I’ve drooled over. :grin:


Understood. I struggled to understand spending too much drool over a Raider.

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Where?? Sorry for the double post.

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I will say that yeah the Kasm is fantastic it’s a really great throw that I enjoy and reach for often! Need doing a lot with it lately.

I run it with a thick Lube drop and Mix in the fixed set up too. It’s a solid throw.

Other yoyos i like (and own) for Modern Responsive Play ( all I do any more) is
The ZGRT El Mijo i absolutely love the response it’s the bench more for me on the feel I want. I like both the Poly and the Al tho I find I’m grabbing the Poly more often recently.

Those are my top 2

All my yo-yos have are now getting the Silicone grease, i prefer the response over a semi responsive feel

When going to the silicone grease now i love the feel of me Delrin Gamer even more. That rounds out my top 3

Those are way ime liking mostly hese days for this style.


Picked up a new Luftverk Daytona Slimline SE, which is an amazing work of art on its own…
I’m a new player and have just started learning un-responsive yo-yos in the past month. What would I need to change/replace to turn this into responsive? Is it just a half size C bearing I’ll need basically?

I have found;

If it has a C bearing, it “Can” be retrofitted with a Half Spec bearing.

This usually is NOT just a drop in replacement and go.

Depending on the yoyo;

  1. A shorter axel may be required.
  2. If the bearing posts are too long, .010 shims may be required. One on each side of the bearing.
  3. If 2 doesnt work well, bearing posts can me filed down.

1 & 2 can be returned to stock. #3 is permanent.

From experiencd thoug, usually Halfspec Bearing and shorter axel always work 85% of the time.

Have fun.


After looking up your yoyo;

Get a Half spec bearing, shorter axel, and another set of side effects. Do NOT modify the stock side effects.

Here is an example of a side effect mod I did for half spec.


I have a One Drop Panorama with modified side effects and it is one of my favorite responsive yoyos.


For anyone still waiting for the right throw to pick up modern responsive, it’s here:

Also please tell me I don’t need any more Kasms. These look awesome!

Edit: silly thing won’t embed…

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