Modern Responsive

Well said. I would have added a half dozen qualifiers but I think that covers it.

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Maybe something like this…

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And get this guy in the middle?? Brought to you be: @JDyo
If I could draw him into the logo I would but I can’t so you’ll have to imagine.


Something simple like this could be cool too

For transparency sake, I just got this off google images and added text. Might be copyrighted so we would want to make it our own but it gets the idea across.

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Man. That’s nice too!! I’d really like to see Yo-yo Boomers Club spelled out. Just put it right out there. :rofl:

Feel free to tell me I’m absolutely wrong but I find Glenn’s designs seem to strive for a minimalists approach. From the small SW engraving to the no frills designs and even simple naming. I think a more minimalist feature/logo would fit the lineup better. Then again if it’s just a special colorway/run for yybc then I guess it could be whatever.

I’m just thinking about what’s already out there and how it would fit in. That being said I’ll 100% but a yo-yo with a boomer turtle yo-yoing on it.

I used to home brew a turtle thing in DnD back in the day when I had time and a group that was interested in stuff like that. I can imagine the Turtle can also fit mk1 well enough with the magic references and such in some releases.

Heck i don’t know what all I’m talking about big fancy logo with a tortoise sounds awesome.


Certainly the more you put on the less simple. You could use logo and turtle, just the turtle, or just the logo. The main issue with drawings like these is they’d need properly done and digitized. That’s something I’m not equipped to do. The bomb logo is nice and already digitized. I’d love to see more ideas. :smiley:. Then we make Glen and Mark decide.


That’s Boomer the Turtle :+1:


Very excited for a metal Harbinger, but as long as the suggestion box is open I’m still voting for the PolycaRBC. I even thought of a clever name for it!


A poly rbc now that’s an idea. I’ll be mildly less cautious with that kind of like I am with my poly mijo vs my 6061 mijo. The poly gets allot more play just cause I’m mildly less afraid of hurting it.

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Unfortuntely a very expensive and counter productive idea.

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Since we now have a Yoyo Boomers thread let’s see if we can get this back on track. I got a couple of awesome modern responsive throws yesterday. First the green cerakote Weekender. Despite the pink appearance it was anodized clear, then a bright green cerakote layer topped with a bright green neon cerakote layer. It sure looks different than my green cerakote deep state. Doc Pop said there were only about nine produced. Second is the Kasm. I believe we said modern responsives were metal but what is more modern than 3D printing. Its a fun little throw.


:pray:t4: Please let this become a reality :pray:t4:


Edit: Got a little bit excited and ahead of myself. Just saw Glen’s response…

Never mind :sweat_smile:


I’ve given some thought to that Kasm at the suggestion of others. Looks super nice I haven’t pulled any triggers yet though. How do you like it?


Hey I really enjoy my Kasm. The guy that makes them wayne is an awesome guy and they play really great. If you get a chance to own one I suggest you give it a shot. I love that I have the option to set it as fixed with the bearing locks and it’s cheap . And if something breaks I could technically ask wayne if I can pay for the stl file take it to my local library maker space or pay the local guy in my neighborhood who had a printer the cost of the pla and print a part.

I find the Kasm very interesting. It trully is a unique Responsive/Fixed.

Its light and the texture is like nothing else I have thrown. Feels “Silky” to me.

I really need to play with it more.


I think thats the coolest thing too. It feels silky. I guess I’m a reformed 3D hater. I hated it from the start because I felt/feel it has removed the hands on craftmanship of my day. Its quite obviously not my day anymore.


I really like it but it came in the same box as the weekender so it has received minimal string time. It’s light, versatile and feels good.


Throw for the day tomorrow will be the Kasm.

Rocking the Deep State today. I find myself questioning my decision making skills.

Why haven’t I thrown this in so long?

That would be the down side of having so many options. But the upside is the rediscovery.

Have fun.


With the addition of the cerakote I’ve got three weekenders and none of them have logos. The funny thing is I love the logo.