Modern Responsive

Ohh yeah kasms great.

Also @Pun1sh3R has it right you can modify some side effects however you can also use shims to get the same effect and bearing shields make great shims. Good luck.

I’m hoping to get my first Kasm with this drop! The Watermelon looks great.


I was anti 3D printing until I got a Kasm as part of a trade. It is an amazing little yoyo and a blast to throw.


My favorite modern responsives right now all started life as unresponsive. Panoramas and Dioramas make wonderful responsive yoyos with a little tweaking. And just like the unresponsive guys its hard to choose which is best.


This is a true statement. :grin::+1:


Then I’m doing mine tonight!


Nice, but they aren’t really modern responsives.

any tips? This is the first time I’ve worked with the Side Effects. Am I able to install a shorter axle?


I did some research. The axle is definitely locked in with Loctite or something. It appears I’ll have to file it down at some point.

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So what I have found easiest is to use a cutting wheel on a Dremel to shorten the axle. The main reason for this is that they used Loctite on the Side Effect that has the axle. I put plier tooth marks on it trying to hold it tight enough to get that axle out. So after that I just Dremel about 4 threads off. Then the non axle axle Side Effect has to have the post shortened. I’ve done this with a file and with a stone wheel on a Dremel (my preference) For that I take some off test it and take more off repeat until the halves don’t free spin when you screw it together. If this doesn’t make sense I have some examples in another thread.


Around post 50 there are pics and explanation.


I see Steve already commented with what was done in some experiments earlier this year on modding various throws . Alternatively you can use shims but either way let us know how it goes.


Thanks everyone!

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I’ve done something similar with a SOMEThING Double or Nothing which was designed to be more of a training yoyo. Just put a 6mm axle and a greased slim bearing.


Thats a cool piece. I’m a fan of Something yoyos but I didn’t think they had anything for me.


Oh oh i like that

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I think they’re sold out everywhere though so good luck finding one if you’re interested


What makes you say they aren’t modern responsives? As far as I see it modern responsive is a style of yoyo and whatever yoyo that you are using to play the style can be considered modern responsive. I don’t mean to push, just curious about your thought process.


Panorama and Diorama are on my list to pick up someday. I would half spec and shim them with a shorter axel.

Taking the axel out isnt that difficult. I think I posted somewhere about it in the Mod Thread linked above. I know I posted modding the side effects to not need shims.

Here is one of my favorite Modded Responsive yoyos. Half spec bearing and shorter axel is all it took.


Ohh nice I have a double or nothing but I left it unresponsive I like how hard it is to do stuff on. I do have a rotor I converted to responsive that’s fun to loop with


Hey Cody,. For the uninitiated among us what is that?

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