Modern Responsive

I believe that as a yoyo designer Glen was pointing out that they were not designed as responsive yoyos. So I appreciate his point but no one wants to start a new division so let’s stick modern responsive. They are modern, they are responsive, I say yes.


Ah okay that makes sense :+1:

Technically all yo-yos can be responsive or unresponsive but have to be modded to do so. Some it’s as simple as swapping a bearing others it’s an axle too others it’s shims or more destructive modding efforts. Glenn is obviously coming at this from a creator perspective and Cody from a modded perspective. In the end play with yoyo how you like and call it what you want. Modern responsive probably fits as the style.


This is the modern equivalent of any ancient weaponized yoyo design that may have existed.

70g of head-hunting responsive AL.


Certainly not a responsive Steadfast!! :scream:


The most stable modern responsive :wink: doubles as a personal protection device


A couple of years back @Malachi took many of us to modern responsive school. I think it is still the best reference tool available. I’m surprised how few totally new yoyos there are to add to this list.


Mr. Tommy,

As a Modern Responsive Fan Boy, maybe we keep Mr. Malachi’s list going?

A few I can think of;
MK1xSW Metal Harbinger
ZGRT Polycarbonate El Mijo
Laid Back Swing Nude Trump 1/2 spec
Layer Infinity Kasm
ZGRT Albrije, Slim D bearing


As a Duncan boy I have to add:
Freehand Mini
World Class


Freehand 2?

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You know, when you stand back and look at it…that’s a pretty impressive list. I’m really liking to see that there is more effort going into bringing out new and exciting responsives as opposed to just staying with the old school.


I have two Freehand 2’s that are responsive but I thought some might balk at it.


Since we’re listing the Mijo and Poly Mijo separately, I’ll add in the El Tio.


Rotor and yyr impact are slept on as pocketable modern responsive


Also turbo grind machine. That cork pad smell while playing is nostalgia


el Tio should also be in that list

edit: charlie beat me to it =]


I still don’t know what modern responsive actually means cuz when I see a video of it, it looks like someone playing fixed axle just with a bearing yoyo but when I owned a polycarb El Mijo I could still tell it was a really special modern responsive yoyo


My definition;

Modern Responsive yoyos split two play styles.

0A Fixed Axle - With a bearing the yoyo still has the ability to Stall and complete most/all fixes axle tricks. May also include looping.

1A String Trick - There is enough spin time from the bearing and wide enough gap that you can pull off most Responsive 1A tricks.

The beauty and crux of this is; We want a yoyo that splits the difference. However personal play style comes into play. A “Modern Responsive” may lean closer and play better to the 0A style or lean closer to the 1A style.

This is why it is generalized as “Modern Responsive”; a catch all if you will. Can it play both styles? It will probably receive this nomenclature.

Just my thoughts.


when i think “modern responsive” yoyo, im definitely thinking of a yoyo designed capture the essence of a fixed axle yoyo, meant for fixed axle style play but the bearing unlocks a little bit of 1A possibilities.

this is different from a typical “responsive” yoyo designed for 1A play, think yoyos like the Arrow, Sage, most Magic yoyos, first base, even the FH1 that come responsive out of the box, but are really more meant for traditional 1A play, and can be made to be unresponsive.


Depends on how you want to look at it.

A modern responsive yoyo is really just a responsive yoyo with a bearing. Thats the difference between a fixed axel and a responsive. So like an arrow or a shooting star is still technically a modern responsive yoyo when set up for responsiveness.

A modern responsive trick is really a broad range of tricks. You can play modern responsive trickset that is based on stalls and everything that a fixed axel yoyo can do. Honestly that is most of what we see out of this forum (which is a good thing). Thats just what happens when you give yoyo players that like to play fixed axle a modern responsive yoyo.

You could give the exact same modern responsive yoyo to players that exclusively play unresponsive yoyos and will probably you get a bunch of whining about the yoyo coming back to the hand during their godspeed, and a lot of basic tricks because they dont have the foundation of fixed axle play lol. Thats why most modern responsive looks like fixed axle, cuz fixed axle players are the ones generally carrying this category.

BUT give that yoyo to a unresponsive player with some creativity and skill they will probably be able to pull of a lot of tricks typically associated with unresponsive yoyos that many will be surprised can be done on a responsive setup.

That is the area where I think a true modern responsive player lives. Anywhere beyond what a fixed axel yoyo can typically do. There arent many out there because frankly its easier to be on one side or another. One very good example is modern responsive 5A though. Try doing those tricks with a fixed axle butterfly or even a transaxle spinstar and you wont get very far. So grab you a modern responsive yoyo for that and push that baby to the limits.

I like trying both, but i do cherish fixed axle and typical modern responsive a lot because of the fundamentals they bring. I want my modern responsive to stall well AND do string tricks well. So you can live in both worlds with it.