Modern Responsive March 2024 - Week 4

YoyoExpert sponsored Duncan Butterfly AL Winner! @Yodaddyo

TimCor Starfire Winner! @SmashYoyos

Please message me your Shipping details, we will get these coming to you as soon as we can.


I’m the luckiest girl at the ball :princess:

Thanks again everyone! This has been a blast.

Congrats to everybody!


Holy s#*t! I won something!



Congrats everyone. To all the winners of FAF and MRM it’s been a blast and I hope yall enjoy your winnings. To the rest of us I hope we all at least took away some new moves and are better at yoyo at the end of this long 8 weeks.

2April will kick off on the 8th however in the mean time there are some neat things in the community to pass the time:

A giveaway by a cool cat @JeiCheetah

Want to keep learning check out TaW run by @GTDropKnot

Or just post a trick your working on

We will be back soon with more fun don’t worry your stuck with us.

Also look forward to a retrospective on FAF and MRM later this month
Along with an anonymous survey on how we did so you can tell us how you really feel.


Woo congrats everyone! It’s been fun! We’ll see you next year!


Also I smell some cw play coming in may…. Maybe another thing. Idk we will have to see


I just spent the past half hour looking up the Starfire, I’m hyped!

Thank y’all for a wonderful time over the past two months! I know a ton of work went into putting all of this together.

I started yoyoing around January of last year and saw the 2023 FAF event but was shy to join in. I am glad joined the YoyoExpert forums for the event this year. I came for the tricks but found a cool @ss community to nerd out about yoyo’s with. That’s been the biggest prize of them all. I wouldn’t trade y’all for a million bucks! Well… maybe for some yoyo’s :rofl:.


Congratulations to the winners! And thanks to all the organizers, sponsors, tutorial authors and participants - it was really interesting and fun!


Congrats to the big winners and thanks everyone for participating. Feb and March have both been awesome and it’s been fantastic to see all of the participation and videos. Been a heck of a ride, but proud to have been on it! :slight_smile:

These have both been my first events from a participation standpoint, so it’s all been very new and exciting for me, but definitely looking forward to it next year as well!


For real congrats to all the winners. I’m slow with moving forward but I learned how to post video, and I have some things I can already post on the Post a Trick thread, and I’ll be scouting the TAW as well. Hopefully more people will do the same. These are excellent resources that have already helped many to advance their skills. This has been 8 of the most exciting weeks I have experienced in some time. Thanks so much to all who made this happen and to the sponsors and to all who have spent so much time making tutorials, and just everything. It has been super cool hang time. I was just about to stop feeling guilt for grabbing my unresponsives and then you guys come out with talk of 2 more months. At least I can use unresponsives for 5a. And maybe I feel comfortable enough to try hurling 2 objects through the air now. :confounded:
For real…don’t be strangers!!!