Let’s talk 3D printing

I’m trying to figure out how to get this design onto a yoyo in such a way that doesn’t require a multicolor printer. First attempt not great. A long way to go and different colors needed, but it’s a start.


Thats gorgeous!


Yeah I wasn’t planning to print at 255 I just didn’t check the defaults. My intention was 235. But it’s been a week of getting distracted not checking my settings and sending it to realize I made a dumb mistake.

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I have had some great results turning the image into a dxf. I use inkscape to go from jpg or png to dxf. It does create some issues for example the dark circle in the middle removes all the material which will obviously create issues when printing.


I’ve got it into CAD no problem. The issue is trying to print it with filament swaps at layer height. I had it all dialed in for this design, but once I turned it into 360 image it’s no so easy to get the bridging to look decent. I may have to just print it with multi color Bambu A1 with most of it all on the first layer, but I haven’t given up on getting it to work at layer height so anyone can print it.

PS. Show the world your modded Big Sun print please @kksimon! :pray:


Oh wow that looks amazing! I totally see the bridging being the major issue. The only fix I can think of is altering the design so you never have to bridge that far but I’m sure you have already thought of that.

Here is the modded Big Sun! I have yet to print it with the color changes and I didn’t have any wood axles laying around but I do have some minor CAD experience and loop 720 guts. So instead of running to the store I spent way too long figuring out how to add the axle


my current setup

ender 3v2 with a sprite extruder running protopasta htpla
the print head is bit wobbly for some god forsaken reason, but it doesn’t affect prints too bad so i’m gonna print a fix for it soonish


print heads wobbly. sounds lie your cantilivered screw on the bottom wheel needs to be adjusted a bit. I had to tighten and recalibrate everything when i got my v2. nothing was in optimal shape for printing. could i set a z offset and go to town sure but it was all off terribly.


This Einstein voodoo doll standing by a can of Spam made me smile!


I’d suggest if you plan to print a lot of PETg or even get close to 235+ regularly, go ahead and switch to an all metal hotend. It’s totally worth it. The PTFE tubing starts to off gas at around 210c. It’s been known to be fatally toxic to small animals like birds at 220c :astonished: Going beyond 230 it really starts to degrade the standard ptfe tube and causes even more off-gassing.

Capricorn is a great product but I still would suggest just going all metal if possible. It opens up more filament potential, you can print higher temps and it’s overall a lot safer.

It’s really mind boggling why manufacturers keep using ptfe lined hotends. Flourine is no joke.


Ahh thank you I don’t want to kill sherbert. My bird thanks yoyo. I’ve been looking at all metal hit ends sounds like this is a good reason to pull the trigger.

I did move my setup To the garage so at least most of the off gassing is not in the house now but I would rather not play that game of what toxic chemicals can I expose myself and the family too first

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thanks! i’ve had it for some 10ish years now. it was a project for 3rd grade


oh yeah that should be it too

Yeah don’t eat decade old spam bud

Version 2.0 Getting close, but still needs edits to the design to get the white areas to print better. I think the trees are too small too. Also not sure about the stars, might remove.


1st Prototype of my Modular Lego Yoyo! It uses a Lego technic axle to connect the halves.

Actually works prettyyy good. Really easy to take apart and customize. The only negatives are a decent amount of vibe if you don’t put a lot of legos in the cup (due to like 0 center weight in the design I guess) and the ability to torque the halves a little bit. Otherwise super excited about this one!!


I just picked up an Ender Creality CR-6 SE off of my local Buy Nothing group. How did I do?


So cool, mate. Looks great!!


It’s funny how many people get frustrated enough they essentially throw away their printer. There is an old ender 3 that keeps floating around my buy nothing group. I’m tempted to try and nab it at some point just for parts.

Free printer even if it has a few issues is still a free printer especially an open source creality printer.


Previous owner alleged that it had no issues…

Looks like a nice enough machine. Seems to be in good shape.