Let’s talk 3D printing

I was thinking fire alarm but that’s actually smarter I should get one of those

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Use both!

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I have an old fire alarm I use above my printer in the event things go wrong at least I’ll hear it if I’m home and I have an extinguisher in the room so if I catch it in time I can kill it but this seems like a good safeguard in case I don’t get to it in time.

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I run my Enders on Wyze plugs too so I can turn them off remotely.


Yeah I have some old smartthings plugs from when I had more automation setup that I’m using to monitor and control power. I’ve found automating everything is worthless when your kids, pets and wife actively work against it. But at least I can repurpose for the few things I control.

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Just saw this. Mount for smoke detector on top of the printer.

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I was wondering if some smoke was normal, but I’m guessing not.

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Not normal, but a possibility.

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Todays print. 3D Mandala


This is absolutely lovely!
Very nice!

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I just keep hitting “print again” on the A1 with these flexi baby dragons. Gave this one to a neighbor kid.


After moving to the garage I started getting later issues that coincided with temperature shifts. Setup a few janky draft guards and makeshift enclosures but wife got me a proper enclosure today

Also got some silk pla to play with and a some petg for an outdoor project


Your homemade “draft guards” are killing me! :sweat_smile:

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the tent stays in the rotation to keep some heat in for the laptop that keeps crashing when it drops below freezing i guess the battery isn’t having it and i forgot to turn off the setting that puts the machine into low power mode and sleep after x time in low power mode so hopefully ill stop losing remote access and monitoring in the middle of the night.

I did feel a bit like my make shift draft guard was a fire waiting to happen

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Ohh this morning I found my printer in an error state. Checked it out apparently the hotend cooling fan failed and it hit a temperature that activated an emergency stop. A mess to cleanup, clogged nozzle and very messed up prints but good news my printer killed its self instead of catching on fire which I guess is better than can be said of the bamboo labs printers in the news.


Can’t stop. Won’t stop.


These are great.

Was working on an outdoor part with petg and melted a bit of Bowden tube into my hotend… more or less looks like I got the hotend cleaned up but the nozzle is toast so no big loss but I’ve learned a bunch this weekend. N. Having to strip down my hotend twice and my extruder once in more confident in knowing how the machine works sad I couldn’t learn that without first breaking stuff.

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What temps are running petg at? Ive discolored my Bowden tube before but never melted it.

The default petg temp on orca was 255 which for the clear teflon tube seemed to have been just enough to start melting it after a while. Took a bit to cleanup but a fresh nozzle, some cursing and YouTube video and boom my printer is back in action. Also stripped the bolt holding the bearing in place for my extruder so I’ve Jerry rigged that while I wait for a dual extruder.

I’ve also got a Capricorn tube on the way rated for 300c and maybe at some point I’ll fiddle with other neat things but I’ll chalk it all up to learning.

Along with learning about thermal creep and how an improperly vented enclosure can cause your pla “upgrades” to warp if it gets toasty enough… I’ve had a bunch of learning this last week

I have absolutely tested the thermal runaway features though

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Yeah 255 is the upper limit on the clear Bowden tubes for sure. Especially in an unvented enclosure.

Welcome to the joys of 3D printing. You’ll be better for it though.

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