Leaving?? Not appreciated.....

Keep calm and carry on. Remember this words

Here’s my point.

Sometimes, you annoy me (referring to the OP)

Sometimes, you seem egotistical and vain


You are ALWAYS respectful

You are ALWAYS well tempered

And, in my opinion, you should ALWAYS be welcome on this forum

You are a very valuable member, and I have no doubt that you will only become a better member.

I use to be hated in the Irc chat, but then I remembered if I got haters I must be doing something right :smiley:

Actually, its pretty easy to be annoying on IRC…

My signature paint the way you think.

I’m saying basically IM HERE TO HELP, PM ME IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS, I’m here to help, get it?

I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you with any problems you might have.

So basically, sometimes I’m annoying but we all have those moments??

i know

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Again, think before you post. There’s no reward in having the most posts on the forum. Information that is not true is not helpful and just annoying and confusing. I learned this lesson a while ago. Criticizing someone else’s work and acting like you could do it better comes off as very egotistic.

Yup… just mention the Duncan imperial any time someone mentions a looping yoyo… and Duncan Butterfly for everything else

Yes, I know you have annoyed the stink outta me in the past.

wow…it feels so good getting that off my chest. thanx so much for this opportunity to vent.

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BanjoSpins! Hi!

(that is all)

I explained overexposure. But, this guy is the latest example of underexposure. :-\

Yes you can quite literally post too much… When I start to see a name too much I start to ignore those post.

When did I say that?

Seldom set your foot in your neighbor’s house
Lest he become weary of you and hate you.
Proverbs 25:17


If this isn’t a joke you sure chose the wrong day to post this, haha.

And if it is a joke, it’s gone a tad to far.

I love you, you love me, we’re a happy family… :-*

Are you sure? APRIL FOOLS!!! Hahahaha. No really, it’s true half and half.

I am NOT LEAVING, I can’t I have the app in my IPod and I will touch it sooner or later.

So, I am just going to do this, STAY, and think and re read my post before I post, SOUND GOOD?

Yep, whenever I’m not sure of something, I do a quick google search.

I always take a look at people’s “Thank you” count.

I am not saying we should make a point to count every single thank you, or to only post to see if we get a thank you… but glancing over at someone’s thank you count can give you some sort of indication of whether their posts are mostly time wasters, or if they provide good posts.

Now, I am not trying to point anyone out, but just to give the OP an indication:

Bcmadkitty: 2000+ posts, less than 100 thank yous.

Compare that to some of the other users who have posted in this thread:

yoyospirit: 2000+ posts, over 500 thank yous
Nemyo: 1000+ posts, nearly 200 thank yous
GregP: 2000+ posts, over 400 thank yous
BanjoSpins: Under (yes, under) 1000 posts, 250+ thank yous

Again - “thank yous” are pretty subjective and shouldn’t be used as an absolute, and I wouldn’t want people to post only when they think they might get a thank you…

BUT… if you compare many of the users on this forum to your own thank you count, maybe you just aren’t as helpful as you think you are.

I don’t mean to come down on you, I think your posts are mostly positive and think there is a good space here for you to fit in, but as others have said, before posting, just ask yourself, “is this necessary, is it relevant, is this helpful, is this accurate?”