Learn to Win Absurdity - Presented by OPYOYOS x YoYoExpert

If you want to film and send me a few attempts, I can help you and see where you’re going wrong. Just DM them to me :slight_smile:


Where is the string coming off of the yoyo goinng?

I’m gonna watch it a bunch more times first. I’ve only caught the yoyo a few times at this point.


The string directly connected to the yoyo is the middle and closest to the ground on your throw hand side.

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I am seldom confused.

The link you posted doesn’t have as much traffic. And the posts are mainly the oohs and ahhs type.

I specifically posted here because there are so many people posting about learning the tricks … and; possibly winning the yoyo.

I wanted to know if; within this energetic group; there was also in the realm of possible intentions to ‘buy’ a copy. If you don’t win then 00 ‘copy?

Sorry about ‘your confusion.

…The Absurdity was released on Thursday. Only 30 for retail release. No doubt a very good yo-yo. There are still(at this moment) 24 remaining. They are not selling out in minutes. Even though there seems to be some pretty solid enthusiasm about the yo-yo.

…So; at the moment; the momentum seems to more about learning the tuts and winning the ‘rare prize’. And little specific purpose in actually obtaining a 1 to 30 copy; available now.

I bought one. Quite possibly the 1st one ordered.

I have a good feeling about this one. It would have never seen the light of day if it wasn’t a player.



Thank you that helps. Hopefully I’ll be able to figure it out when I get home tonight.

@yoyodoc I think people are just more concerned with winning at the moment. I bet once we find out who wins, the rest will be bought up right away. (If there are any left).


I’m ok if people want to see if they win something first. I’ve always said I don’t want people to feel like they have to rush to buy my yoyos, even if they’re very limited quantities.

Thank you for supporting me though, I do appreciate it! :heart_eyes:


I’m still kickin myself for missing the Ti Float🙀

Jordan got a new name… but same Evil Genius.

I don’t buy one of everything.

But I try to make ‘excellent choices’.

My theory anyways.


Here’s my attempt, fixed the end, still not very smooth. Hope it is good enough for an entry


Perfect, you nailed it!


Did I do the thing? This trick was decently confusing lol


It’s so close I’m going to count it. When you move the string around your fingers before you drop into the GT, you have to put the loop that’s on your throw hand thumb onto your pointer, then drop the loop that was on your pointer onto that string and then drop the strings. Everything else is spot on.


Ahh ok I knew something was weird with that g.t. definitely an absurd trick


I wish I could take credit for it, it’s shamelessly stolen from Victor Sacchelli.


@ChrysaeThrows made a video that might help some with the hook


That’s super helpful!


I hate to moan in my first post but…

You call that a tutorial? I’m never gonna learn it from watching that lol. As far as I’m concerned it’s not a tutorial unless each element is broken down and explained verbally. Like in YoTricks tutorials. It’s a mystery to me how people can learn simply from watching somebody else perform a trick. The only trick I’ve ever learned that way is the Sky bind.

I’m not even gonna attempt to learn it as it is. Even though I can do Figure 8s and 1.5 Eli Hops with my eyes closed I have no idea how you combine them like you do in this trick.

Like others have said hopefully the next 2 tricks will be less advanced!


It was the first time i attempted to learn a trick simply watching it slowed down. It was not easy, but you’re not learning it alone, a lot of users made questions, @chaosgow replied to everyone, and step after step the trick became more clear. It was funny actually. You can do that


Hey Toby!
How’s it going? Don’t think I seen you on here, you saw my skill level, or lack there of, when we last met right?
Well I have been watching this frame by frame and learning it frame by frame and most of the elements including figure 8’s and 1.5 hops were new concepts to me.
It’s a slow progress but I’m getting there, I can do all the bits other than the hook in the middle at the moment.
If I can do it. You can totally do it with your skills.
But I must admit what you see here took me 15+ hours to learn and get to lol.

See you at a meet soon boyo!


Hey that’s brilliant! Well done Min. Ok fair enough I’ll try.


I must admit it’s made infinitely more difficult by having to figure everything out yourself with trial and error and analysing everything frame by frame. Would rather a tutorial like the ones Andre does but it does make the end result very satisfying when you have to figure out things yourself :slight_smile: