WINNER POSTED: Under One Year YoYo Battle


Hi, I thought I’d make a video contest. Rules are below:

I will post a poll after the deadline.

-The video must consist of 1A only
-The video may be no longer than 2 minutes
-You cannot have yoyoed for more than a year. Try to include how many months you’ve been yoyoing in your video.

Entries will be due on October 14 if that’s good with everyone.

People Entered:

4-7 Months:
BenM36 (Experience: About 7 Months) RECEIVED
Deeman103 (Experience: 4 Months)
Ryan NgHY (Experience: 6 Months)
WretchedRapture (Experience: 7 Months) RECIEVED

8+ Months:
Pajama Man 8398 (Experience: 8 Months) RECEIVED
Proboscis (Experience: 8 Months)
throwrw (Experience: 9 Months) RECIEVED
akemper1394 (Experience: 9 Months) RECIEVED
Logi (Experience: 9 Months)
abby1731 (Experience: 8 Months)

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im backing out, i dot have enough time to film


Im in, 4 months

i’m in. 8 months.

I’ll try to film and edit next weekend.
6 months.

Im in. 8 months.

id like to do it. not sure how long around 9 i believe

is there a 2nd and 3rd place prize too?

Yes, the number of winners depends on how many people donate.

Do voters take into account time yoyoer has been throwing?

I’m in. Total throwing experience around 6-7 months.

Btw, how long must the whole thing be? Is it like 1 throw or 1 min? Thanks

No longer than 2 min

I guess I could do it in categories based on experience

Deadline pushed back 1 week.

I’m totally going to try to enter ;D 7 months for me.

Oops. Didn’t mean to post this. Oh well.

When are the videos going to be postified?

Whoops, 9 months ::slight_smile: