Vote here!

You can watch this video to get a sense of the contest, but you need to go to the link to get the full rules, etc…

Playlist for Category 1:

Playlist for Category 2:

Playlist for Category 3:

Andrew Maider’s entry (on Vimeo):

Playlist for Category 4:

Andrew Maider’s entry (on Vimeo):


My entry!

Just to clarify, the description of the video says “1. 1A for people who’ve been yoyoing for less than a year or have never competed in an in-person contest.” So if I’ve been yo-yoing for over a year but have never competed, is this the one that I would enter?

That’s right. It is fine for you to have yoyo-ed for more than a year as long as you’ve never competed. I guess it is our “amateur” category!

Is there a set deadline for this contest?

“We want to end the contest on July 1, so we’re hoping that we get enough videos. The winners will be determined by Facebook voting on Erik’s fan page. So, are you going to enter? C’mon! And, tell your friends – we want to have LOTS of videos for this contest!”

What is X division?

Divisions 2A, 3A, and 4A – they sometimes get lumped together in a contest if there aren’t enough players in the individual divisions! Thanks for asking!

We need entries in categories 2-4!

How many times are you allowed to enter for each division because I do 1a, and 4a?

You can enter all 4 divisions if you want, but one video for each division, please!

Need more entries!

Entries are coming in! Get in on this action – we still need entries in Categories 2-4!

Who do we e-mail the entries to?? And by the way… Here ya go!!!  ;D ;D

Hey there! we’re trying to make the contest be on Facebook. The videos are all posted in playlists on YouTube, but voting will be done through polls on FB. If you have someone who can post the vids to FB, that would be great, but I already put them in the playlists in YouTube. They are really supposed to be one trick, but I’ll let people sort that out when they vote (perhaps people could just consider the first trick when they vote).

To everyone who might vote, please don’t just make this a popularity contest. We’d really like the prizes to go to the people who did the best tricks, not to the people with the most friends!

My video camera (aka) isn’t working right now. :confused: Hopefully I’ll have it before the 1st, but it’s not seeming likely. Regardless, good luck to everyone who enters, and thanks for the contest! :slight_smile:

I’ll probably enter for 1a and 4a but for offstring is it just 1 throw or multiple

For offstring, you kinda need a little more than a single throw to do something impressive. Thanks for bringing this up! As we’re new to this, I hope people understand that it is a learning process! How about the offstring videos are not limited to a single trick, but should be short series of tricks? I don’t want to time limit it, but try to keep them under 45 seconds?

Ok thanks Ill be entering for offstring and 1a hopefully. :slight_smile:

Hey I saw on your Facebook page you had a poll saying something about ages 14 and up couldn’t enter. I just wanted to know what was the result?