It's OK to Scratch Your Yo-yos

Honestly, I ding my yoyos all the time. Sure, I trip out a bit, but for only about ten seconds…then I get over it. It’s not a big deal. My throws all have at least one slight ding or scratch. In my opinion, each ding has a story.

Yoyos are meant to be played.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo… Then why would you care if I ate my dog? After all, it’s mine. Just don’t damage yoyos on purpose. It makes me feel sick. Especially when you drag all of those. I can’t even get too many metals… and he has like 10X of what i have… and treats it like that. I don’t damage them on purpose. I have dings, but no emo dings.

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It shouldn’t bother you what someone else does to their yoyos. If some of you guys saw how beat my M1 is, and why it is beat, you’d probably cry :stuck_out_tongue: Seriously though, that it how I feel sometimes.

This is the mother of all trollin’ threads, and you guys have - for the most part - kept it civil! Yay!

Because he said that;
We are too worried to scrath yoyo
Im not worry my yoyo is scratched, but to purposely craft it? No.

And something;
Yoyo are meant to be played
Imo, not to drag along to make scratch.

When i throw, i throw to acomplish a trick,not to make a ding or sratch.
If it did along the way, its ok.

But to make scrach on purpose? No.

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What do I care what they look like.
You can’t see the scratches when it’s spinning anyway.

indeed and plus certain yoyos looks even cooler when they spin with certain scratches.

I have to agree with both sides of this argument. I think you shouldn’t worry about scratching your yoyos, but you shouldn’t try to also. I think Steve Brown was just using an example showing that he doesn’t care if his yoyos are not in 100% condition and neither should we. Also EVERYBODY is going to have there own opinion. Some might say that they scratch their yoyos everyday and could care less and some might say that if they scratch their yoyo they might die.

Haha, that would totally be funny to see. Mean, but funny. :smiley:

Essentially most of what he said.

So what I can gather from this thread is:

love=banging metal objects into other objhects such as floors

Yup, I’m gonna go boomerang my yoyo into a wall to give it some “love marks”

??? ??? ???

I’m going to have to go off on this one.

First of all, the argument where if a yoyo is mint, its not loved. That’s complete bull. I have plenty of yoyos that I play very regularly, but I’m not stupid enough to throw them ridiculously hard so that they bang into crap. I also have control over my throw so they don’t smash into the sidewalk. I also have my string at a human length so I have control over my yoyo at all times. This way they don’t bump into crap.

Second, Steve Brown. He’s a cool guy, I’m sure, but this was actually really obnoxious. Plenty of people save for a really long time to be able to afford those exact yoyos, and he just essentially took a well-crafted design and ruined it. Because he can. That’s him flaunting the fact that those were almost all likely free, when some players have to work off their bums to get one of them.

Not my favorite video.


I know it doesn’t matter, but it’s not a legit mark if you purposefully make it. And also, don’t you just kind of cringe when you hit it? Like you don’t try to hit or anything right?? Then you still care about your yoyo. Not caring is what he does. You shouldn’t care about an accidental mark, but purposefully abusing it??? Sure, you are trying to make a point, but that point did not have to be made like that. If anything, it just makes me want to protect my yoyo from that kind of damage.

I never knew Steve Brown, but I just lost my respect for him.

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Steve has a point though
But imo,its better to say it like this;

If he throw his yoyo, say, a catch22, doing some cool hook, whip, or any trick, and accidently go ‘DING’, and then said to the camera;
Seriously, you guys way too worry to scratch your yoyo.
And then just throw it again

I belive people will like it more.
And will deliver his messege way nicer.

I dont have any hard feeling to anybody, but its just look inapropriate to me.

Dogs actually taste very good.

Just for the record, love it or hate it, that would have been way funnier if that wasn’t his house.

Lol, this some funny stuff right here, lol! I love how towards the end when he picks them back up, the '09 G5 is sitting in the middle and the rest of the yoyos are swinging around it, waiting for the time to pounce, and then CLANG! They get him, lol!

Lets try to guess the yoyos!

I saw a:

'09 G5
Catch 22
Higby 888
some Dif-e-yos.

What did you see?

Greatest metal song ever if the amp was on…

My friend had a dirt that would cut you if you touched it.

Should I be weirded out by the fact that this has spawned threads on multiple web boards, and yet I haven’t gotten a single e-mail about it? Everyone seems to have an opinion, yet no one seems to have any interest talking to me directly. Not sure why, but something about that gives me the creeps.

Also, for the record, this is what all my yo-yos end up looking like. If the axle survives this long.

And, for the record again, this is how I’ve always treated my yo-yos. Even when I first started and paid for every single one of them. As for the fistful of yo-yos in that video, several (not all) of them were purchased or traded for or what-have-you so no…that’s not just a bunch of freebies.

They are simply equipment. A yo-yo is no different to me than a really good wrench or hammer. It’s a tool, built for a purpose. Yes, a great deal of effort goes in to making them far prettier than most wrenches or hammers, but I would be incredibly content if they were all just raw silver. In fact, I actively try to get ALL my yo-yos that way. The anodization is either going to be worn or scratched away, might as well just skip it.

Appearance, in yo-yos, is one of the weirdest things ever. I mean, it’s neat to see something that looks good on a shelf but as soon as you start using it it’s just a blur of whatever the dominant color is. Fancy ano and engraving on yo-yos is totally neato, but in order for you to appreciate it the yo-yo has to be in a state of complete uselessness. Weird, right? So, I just find it weird when people worry about a couple of little scratches or dings or whatever. Can’t see it when it’s spinning, so why worry about it?

I guess I should be concerned that people have “lost all respect for me” from watching a video that they didn’t get the point of. Especially since they admitted that they don’t actually know me, and none of them e-mailed me to actually talk to me about it.

You guys seem to be having a good time taking sides and all, so I almost hated to chime in. But really, I’m just another yo-yo player floating around and doing his thing. You can e-mail me. You can PM me. I’m pretty easy to find.

I guess what I’m saying is, instead of starting this huge thread and debating the philosophical merits of my short little video…why didn’t someone just ask me?


Anyway, carry on. Have fun. Play with your yo-yos. :slight_smile:

Noooooooooooooooooooo! It burns us!