The Classic is incredibly hyped.
My 3yo3 Bassline. Very nice organic shape and and stable as well. The pyramatte finish feels nice and just makes me happy when I throw it.
Most of what I have fits that description.
Love my difeyos, fluchs, TK’s & BC’s, HSPIN Lily (G&E 4) and my all time fav the original HM. Can’t forget my spintastics revolver & maelstrom.
YYF 2.0 has -46 hypes.
One yoyo that if I had the money, I would immediately buy one- the Kingspin Chronicle
I mean this thing was so smooth and stable. Such a good throw for competition
Ha funny that I grabbed the other one. Love me some Hspin.
It was already released when I started yoyoing, so I don’t know if it had hype or not. But the SPYY El Ranchero. I usually prefer blasted yoyos, but I let the Ranchero get away with it because I love throwing it so much.
Anyone have a gunmetal gray one they’re letting go of, hit me up…
QFT … I’m just a dude with a yoyo…
and posting this for my Son … he said
Duncan Mosquito - it’s was my first bearing yoyo. It fits in my pocket and my hands. Sleeps long enough to all the tricks I’ve learned. I throw it everynight before i go to bed at least once. Its my “best friend yoyo”.
The Mosquito was my first bearing yoyo too! I really like the shape of it too, the way it fits into my hand/pocket is like magic. I also like the weight, I find myself liking light yoyos. It’s really stable too. When I was little I loved this thing because it was fast. I always thought that the name was perfect because of the amount of power that it comes back with.
However I feel as if the friction stickers may have something to due with the lack of hype. I gave mine a toss after reading this and it didn’t sleep as long as it should have. I just replaced the bearing this summer with a YYF size A and gave it a nice drop of lube, it played like new if not better. When opened it up there was gunk from the stickers all over the base of the string, the spacers, and bearing. However the freehand gets a lot of hype it has stickers, so…
Big Brother Yoyos Juvenile Offender! Such a great “oversized” yoyo! Too bad BBYY isn’t around anymore.
Count me in as a Mosquito-lover!
Onedrop 54. It never got the hype it deserved and is still the smoothest yoyo I have ever thrown
Yea!! ;D
I also really like my Neon Starbrite. A great throw for a little money. I really hate the death-grip spacers, that and the fact that the bearing is sooo noisy are the only downsides I have found. I’m thinking of getting a CTX around the end of the school year, so maybe I can throw that in there and hope it quiets down.
Maybe not as much anymore, but the 54 got plenty of hype when it was released. It was the first yoyo to feature Side Effects, after all.
Some older stuff I still play
Still love the Albatross.
The 54
You all have mentioned some great throws. I still find myself enjoying the cyclotron. I really like everything about it.
It’s good to see that so much of the older stuff is still being played. I also find it interesting that many throws, I thought would be mentioned, have yet to make an appearance in this thread.
Tenyoyo Dropbear.
NOBODY talks about this throw.
I got a super deal on one and thought it would be meh…
The thing just WORKS! Looks like it would be too uncomfortable and too light right?
Absolutely not. It’s a breath of fresh air from the more mainstreams
The Sasquatch and bape2 are my daily throws for sure. I just enjoy the classic feel from throws made between 2007-2010 as well.