It's not the flavor of the month........

I love hearing about all the great new throws and sharing the excitement of someone getting a new yoyo but what do you play, on a regular basis, that’s not mentioned by others and is no longer or never was that hyped?

I’ll share a bit of the yoyos I play that fall into this category:

Luchador: This thing looks and is mean. I’ve cut my hands with it a few times lol but for some reason I still find myself drawn to it.

Josey Ann: This is one large diameter yo that even I would say “floats,” and I really dislike that term when describing a yoyo, but it does, it does “float.” The finish is just amazing to look at and it grinds so so well.

I have several old wooden hummingbirds that I throw regularly. Just an awesome feeling yoyo that I connect with for some reason.

DMI: The whine of that silly hybrid response can drown out so much! I know, I know, but it sure does make one appreciate the evolution of responses.

Difeo Crossbones, Wide load, and Juggernaut: All dif-ferent, all dif! Just really enjoy them.

Eric Wolfe: Tulip wood yoyo with a bearing, beautiful, vibes a bit but makes me smile every time.

Pyro: Yeah I throw the old “coke can” for a bit every week. When I saw LinksLegionaire’s bst thread, with two beauties in it, I was floored. Nobody even commented! Big yo, small diameter axle, and so smooth. One of the first amazing anno jobs for it’s time as well.

I have others that I play regularly as well but I’ll save those for another time. (I don’t want to bore ya)

So…what do you find to be golden yet not the flavor of the month?

Don’t be shy, nothing wrong with throwing something different than everyone else. Share!

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Love my Yoyo Joker Eternity. Plays every bit as well as the Sleipnir and Positron but doesn’t seem to get nearly as much love or press.


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I think YoyoJoker in general make me happy without any hype. I bought some introductory B-grade stuff a while back to see what I thought, and I really liked it so I went and bought the A-grade versions. In my case is their Perceptor delrin, which I enjoy and is a D-bearing :slight_smile: and more importantly a Rewind Eternity which I agree is sensational.

Other things I can’t stop picking up are any of the Sturm Panzer - I’ve done my best to spread the love but they still don’t seem to get much face time: and then comes a big one, the YYR Z-ON. I think this is nominally supposed to be a 5A throw but I really really enjoy it for 1A. It’s a powerhouse, and YYR smooth, and yes I said smooth, like all my YYR are. I also really like the 7075 Catalyst.

Finally, perhaps the most fitting for this thread, the HSpin NVx. A superb yoyo, I mean sensational, great coloway, great finish, great bearing…magnificent.

An addendum here is that Links’ pyro is on it’s way to me at some point :slight_smile:

Yoyojam Trinity- Slightly outdated, not the best of choices or the most popular, but it’s still a favorite.

Tom Kuhn No Jive- Classics never get outdated, 'nough said.

SPYY Radian Gen 2- Haven’t heard anything about this throw, but it deserves as much attention as the Peak, though I’m glad it doesn’t, cause then I wouldn’t have one :wink:

I play my YYF 44 quite a bit. It’s my most “beater” but has also experienced the most play hours and most love.

I love SPYY. I have some old Pures and a Solaris that I play very frequently still. The original Spyder…SPYY is/was amazing.

G5 - without hubstack this thing is a powerful slim beast. I practice horizontals with it and enjoy every moment.

No jive… Play some wood people it’s fun.

YYJ Surge… Most forgiving yoyo ever play sloppy it don’t care. Once again fun

YYJ SpeedMaker and/or Kickside… These are well rounded yoyo’s. If I could only have one yoyo to use for bearing and fixed axle play… This is what I would have.

MagicYoyo N12 - I’ll never sell it… It is the yoyo I use to measure all others. This is my baseline yoyo. It gets thrown with reckless abandon … It’s time to send it to be powder coated.

Spintastics Technic - this is hands down the smoothest yoyo I’ve played. My kid lets me throw it when I ask for it. Considering these were THE yoyo to use in worlds a few years in a row… Back when fixed axles were still used in competition. You can tell why they were when you throw it.

Yomerica Spindustries Planet 9, and the Foxland Precision Honey Badger, two really fun, undersized throws.
For the retro feel with modern conveniences, the SPYY slimline Flying V, amazing yo-yo!

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Anti-Yo Bape.2. A fantastic yoyo: DEAD smooth, super durable finish that’s the best finish for grinding I’ve ever used, long spinning, and more than stable enough. Oh, and flooooaaatyyyyyy.

Main thing fitting this category lately is the Blink. I got along perfectly with it from the first throw. Pretty sure a lot of people love it but I barely hear anyone name a YYR that isn’t Draupnir/Sleipnir these days. At this point I’d count the 888 in this category as well, nobody seems to care about them any more but they play just as awesome now as they did when they first came out all those years ago. I still thoroughly enjoy the few I have left.

Aside from that, Cold Fusion GTs/Isotopes.

Love my pyro 3 even though it’s nothing like the og pyro. The other throw I love is my yoyomonster checkmate in terms of play. I never see yoyomonster get mentioned on here even though they have a new bimetal called the agonist. Figured people would be all over that with all the hype bimetal throws are getting.

Great thread, Skitrz. You sure do post a lot. :slight_smile:

I spend a lot of time playing Freehand Zeros - it’s definitely what I’ve played most over the last 5 years. I also still enjoy the Team Losi Cherry Bomb and the Renegade, both of which are really stellar IMHO. I’ve got a host of other yoyos that I guess we’d call “old school” now that I still play a lot - the Dif-e-Yo Crossbones, the original Hitman, No Jives, and the Dark Magic 1 all come to mind.

The more I yoyo the less I care about trying new stuff and the more I find myself interested in just yoyoing, developing tricks that make me smile, sharing tricks at contests, teaching kids to throw a sleeper, etc.

I keep playing the SPYY Orbitron 5000 more and more. It has an undeniably classic/organic overall shape, yet it is very wide and has a modernized step/lip around the response that is subtle and doesn’t keep it from looking like a normal yo-yo. To me that step/lip is way too pronounced on popular designs today.

Plays great for me. I haven’t seen many others like it. ;D

I have been using my turning point paranoid and YYJ XLR8 a lot those 2 yoyos never really got any hype…

I throw my OG red Skyline pretty much every day. It’s one of my faves.

<3 skylines

'twas my main throw for years.

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Skylines are nice but as far as old YYF goes, 7075 SuperNova is where it’s at

Wow. Mentioned by name. That’ll look good on my resume.

I really dig the new Champions Edition Genesis. There’s just no part of that yoyo I don’t like. It has an amazing blast and the white hubstacks accent the classy black ano perfectly. It is every definition of the word ‘smooth’; it’s smooth on the string, smooth on grinds, even the way it unrolls off your hand just feels like butter. I really enjoy it. Plus I ALWAYS see them on the BST for <$50. I was able to pick up a near mint one for $30!

I’ve rather berated the 888x for feeling cheap. It just doesn’t really live up to the standards of other 888s. But both that I’ve owned have been an absolute pleasure to throw. Plus they’ve got one of my all-time favorite blasts. And again, this is one you can find second hand at a steal.

SPYY Orbitron: Swift, floaty, maneuverable. Great organic shape. I’ll never understand why it received so little hype.

I’m not sure if this was very hyped or not, but the YYJ Classic gets a lot of play from me. Besides that, there are only 1 or 2 other yoyos that get more play from me, and both are very well known/hyped yoyos. I think the hype was worth it though with the two I’m thinking of.