iOS 7

Not what I’m talking about.

Okay, so I guess I phrased it wrongly. What I meant is that I thought it stood for cheap, being plastic and half the price of the 5s. I thought they were mainly making it for anyone who did not have the money for or did not want to pay the prices for a 5s or 5.

I develop for the iOS platform professionally.

I too was uncertain about this new visual paradigm for iOS7. It was unclear to me what this flattening/colorizing of the interface was for; or why it was desirable.

The first point I would make is that people are assuming that this interface was made for the iPhone/iPod only. I think this is apple’s first interface that will work seamlessly across multiple devices. How nice do you think that glossy button is going to look on a watch? How about a 52-inch TV? This is an interface that can scale and appear the same across multiple devices - something that WILL be a big thing in the future.

Second; I was still unsure about these changes until I ported my first app from iOS6 to iOS7. That is where you understand the simple elegance that this interface will bring. While visually flatter, this interface allows a more liberal use of colors for visual clues rather than shapes and icons. Now color can be part of the interface without it taking away from other important visual clues. Notice the iOS6 table interface. All of the pieces are shades of grey, or a pre-set tint-color. Now look at an iOS7 interface. There is color everywhere! More importently, this appearance of color in no-way detracts from the impact of other visual elements. Way cool!

My son had expressed much the same derisive opinion of iOS7 as many of the forum members posting here. I showed him my iOS6 interface which he already knew well. I then showed him the same interface ported to iOS7. His reaction? “OK, never mind iOS7 is much better”. That passes for praise from a 16-year old :slight_smile:

My opinion; give iOS7 a chance. I bet in a month you will be looking at those Android phones as the old-style copycats that they are.


The decision to start distancing themselves from a skeumorphic approach to graphic design was the best one they could have made. They’re sort of doing it 3/4 of the way (there are holdovers…) but it’s a step in the right direction.

Though I’m not a huge fan of the aesthetics, I do like the features. I uploaded the iOS 7 to my iPad, but kept iOS 6 on my iPhone for comparisons. (Not a precise comparison, I know) However the YoYoExpert app doesn’t seem to work on my iOS 7 device-now is this happening to anyone or is just me? Please forgive me if this is already been asked

Try tapatalk. It’s wonderful for YYE.

So… Should I have iOS7 on my ipod 4th gen? Doubt it, but genuinely curious, thanks :slight_smile:

Pretty sure you can’t.

Should I put iOS7 on my computer? I’m pretty sure it will speed it up and make it waterproof.

Yes. I’m sure it will work well without a GUI

Correct. 4th gen isn’t supported.

Figured as much… Oh well… All my apps got iOS 7 updates :smiley:

Thanks guys

iOS7 is a mobile operating system silly. For that baby you need OSX. ;D

No no no that’s something you sell on eBay to crazed apple fans.

Yeah, I remember seeing a mint, in-the-box Macintosh selling for $50,000+. That will buy a bunch of iPhones and/or iPads.

Seriously though, I have finally upgraded my own phone to iOS7 and I love it. Previously I only had beta hardware with iOS7 installed and it had none of the apple iOS7 apps installed. The new, integrated apps look fabulous and work better than the ones they replaced. It will be just a matter of time before the good apps upgrade to the new look and feel.

Now I just have to get in,line for a new iPhone 5S. The M7 chip sounds really intriguing. ::slight_smile:

Haha I took advantage of iPhone 5 being so much cheaper. I wanted 32gb and I’m a broke teenager soo…

Really? From what I see theres a ton on ebay currently for around $200

I have it! I like it a lot so far

Yeah me too! It’s not especially buggy for being the first version.