Introduce Yourself!

Hello everyone my name is Chad.I just got into Yoyoing I’m 35 married with 3 girls. my middle 10 year old got a Ned Yoyo from school and it reminded me of the fun when I was that age. Things have come along way in 25 years I couldn’t make up my mind on the type of throws I wanted so my first order was today. So I purchased a couple. I’m very new at any tricks but I figured I’ll start somewhere. Here’s the list.
czm8,Jaeger,dm2,too hot, level6,shutter
Like I said I couldn’t decide so I figure these will keep me busy for a little while. Thanks and look forward to learning allot on this site.

Welcome to the forum’s

Those throws will definatly keep you happy for a long time.

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Nice to meet you all. I’m 15, and I got into yo-yoing a few weeks ago.
I got my first yo-yo, the Duncan Butterfly, when I was little. Never learned how to throw it, and left it in my toy drawer.
Fast forward to 2013 - my older brother found it and learned to throw it properly. Understandably, he found it to be subpar for the tricks he wanted to do (he did an around the world and the string broke, flinging the yo-yo across the room) and got a YYF One. Eventually, he got me into it.
After we learned some tricks on the One, we decided to buy our own unresponsive metal yo-yos.
I ended up getting the Shutter and my brother got the Level 6.

^Welcome to the forums :smiley:

Hi my name is Taylor and I love yoyoing and collecting nice throws! I look forward to meeting more cool people and doing business with a lot of you!


Welcome, everybody!

Chad, my son’s school has a Ned show coming up. The yoyo community has such a divided opinion on those shows, but it’s hard to deny that they’re making kids aware of yoyo. :slight_smile: More than one member on this forum is here because of the Ned show.

I want to take a morning off and go check it out with him!

Hello my name is James but u can call me 6Smiles™ I am new to yoyoing i love it its very fun and i herd about this site from a couple people i found on instagram where u can also find me by name of james_b6 or 6Smiles™ It may be to soon to tell but i believe im in the process of makeing a new yoyo trick but il wait to announce it… Im open to hearing any tips and or advice thank you…

Welcome! :smiley:

Welcome! ;D

Hello everybody!

I am imperator381, and I am new to the forums but not new to yoyoing. I have been yoyoing on and off since late 2004. I have been a little bored this spring, so I decided it was about time to join a forum and start interacting with other yoyoers. I have never been one for online interaction and social media, but because I live a long way from any contests or other yoyoers, forums seem to be to be the only way to interact with other throwers. I am also shy and not a very outgoing person; this too has been a factor in why I have not tried to go to any contests (it sucks being shy). However, I am a college student, and college is slowing forcing me to come out of my shell and interact with people I don’t know.

I have been experimenting with filming and Windows movie maker and hope to have a video out soon.

Hello my name is John. I’m 21 and live in Atlanta, Ga. i would love to meet some other yoyoers cause im the only one i know that yoyos. Right now my favorite yoyo is a YYF Super G (w gold center trac). But Ihave a 1drop benchmark o on the way and that’ll be my first organic shape throw so we’ll see how that works out. Definitely let me know if you live in my area or if your on here and just wanna talk.

Welcome to the forums :smiley:

Welcome John :smiley:

Hey guys my name is Colin Tittel. Yes, Tittel I know it means the dot on the “i” or whatever else you were thinking. Haha. I live in Concord California and I attend High School. I love the sport of yoyoing but I do not have a lot of resources to improve my skills. My dream throw is either a Yomega Kerrari or a Newton Sky Walker. My favorite sport/hobby other than yoyoing is working on cars and trap shooting. I am super excited to join this forum and can’t wait to see what awesome yoyos or advice or anything else I can possibly take away from it!!

Welcome! :smiley:

Glad to have you with us Colin :slight_smile:

HI all. I go by “Dep”. :slight_smile:
I am 64 years old and not new to yo-yos, but mainly used the “classic” versions in my youth. I am just getting back into them and am amazed by what is available and the great tricks folks have developed. I look forward to learning a lot and look forward to my forum membership.


Hey guys, Im Rob I am kind of new to yo yoing, I was a huge thrower in the Late 90s when it was huge everywhere however my high school years took me away from the game. I have just recently got back in to it I find it to help me in a number of ways every day. I am a suffer of PTSD from my service in Iraq and i have found the yo yoing has helped me cope with the many struggle that come with my disability. As of right now I am the only Vet i know that uses yo yoing to cope with these things, and I am the only person i know that actually yo yos, my town is the second largest in Indiana and i do no know a shop in Fort Wayne that carries high end supplies or gear. So as of yet this site has been my only source of supplies and gear but it has done well, My primary throw is my DV888, but i just got a Werrd Hour, and my first kendma, although i still throw my Mavrick every once in a while. My DV888 is stock except for my Diefi Koncave ceramic barring, and my Ann Connolly ammo strings ( love them so soft). But I am looking forward to all the tricks my future brings.

^Welcome everyone :smiley: