How much $MONEY$ do you have invested in Yo Yos?

For all my yoyos it would be 1089 dollars.
yyf primo, yuuksta, G5, genesis plus, and grind machine
yyj big yo, mini mo tu, phenom, axiom, dark magic 1 and 2,
spyy speed freak and flying V
yyr dreadnought G

How? o.O

750.00-1000.00 give or take. Much cheaper then my last hobby. High-end adult airguns. 1200.00 is the most I ever spent on a single pellet gun. I have bought collections for 8000.00 and have owned about 300 air guns in all. Now I only have 4 or 5 air guns but over 200 yo-yos. tim

  1. I love them all.

Now it is about $152 last time i didn’t count string and other accessories.

Wow, I’d have to tally it up. I’ve only been throwing for a year, but when I think about it, I’ve really spent too much.

Freehand Zero–$20
888x–$100, minus $70 from when I sold it
Punchline–Free, thanks to a really good friend
YYF One–$10
Flying Panda–$8
FG Wooly Marmot–Got in a trade, sold for $40
YYF Lunatic (for a friend)–$42

So about $365 not including the amount of money I’ve spent shipping yoyos in trades. It would’ve been about ~$90 less since I probably would have sold something that I got in a trade for the Addiction, but I lost the Addiction in the mail doing a trade and decided took the loss myself (as is standard).

I’ve owned a lot more yoyos than that just from trading, when I realized that I liked throwing new yoyos more than I liked spending lots of money. But I’m pretty satisfied with my Avalanche, two Peaks, and YYF One at the moment (though only one of the Peaks is mine, the other I was leant for some indefinite period of time. Still waiting on getting that back to my friend since I haven’t heard from him in a long time).


around 800

I’d say about $1,300 and 70 in your bearings

$55,000 ???

I take the fifth.

about 300

About $1000

More than I should, but still investing! ;D


what is with all you darned necroers… RAWRG

about $400 ;D

Carl, This thread is worth the necro.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with necro’ing a topic that’s interesting and relevant.

$ 160 :wink: