How much $MONEY$ do you have invested in Yo Yos?

Well “the general” is Ernie of general yo. He owns and makes them.

Hmm. Not a whole lot. I traded up from hardly anything.

Around like 130 bucks.

More than I’d like to remember.

About 500-600

2 grand at the least.

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Almost 500… With another 500 planned

4 g’s…

Prolly about 1000 :-X


Around $300

I just added it all up (using stock price fro all my yoyos, and added a bit for bearings, cases, shipping, etc.)
I have around $2200 now.

$20 ;D seriously!

i would say 400 on yoyos, another 50 on bearings, and 100 on string

Too much…