How much $MONEY$ do you have invested in Yo Yos?

I think about 4k. But I’ve only been collecting for six months. :confused:

$4 for a stock duncan butterfly haha that’s all you need ;D



about 100-200 dont need alot of yoyos

about 160$

Bout 5 grand I think.

umm I think around $700.

$230 and I’ve only been throwing a year xP it will up in value a lot more this summer too ;]

two grand or $1500

Don’t want to think about it.

invested? zero as I’m not getting anything back
spent? too much, usually between $100 and $200 every month

1993-2010 ~ about $200
2010-present ~ about $400 more

It pales in comparison to any car parts, cable bills, or other life expenditures. I’d spend more, but I’m married and the wife doesn’t just let me get away with buying hundred dollar yoyos every month.


little over two grand

Around 364 dollars. Not too bad…

I’m honestly afraid to post it. lol I’d say over $6000 in the past 6 years

Go ahead. Tell me I have a problem.

you have an exteme problem.

I’ve made more than I’ve spent, so definitely an investment!

I’ve probably spent around 500-600, but I have sold them for about 500. Now I have a YYF popstar, YYF starlite, Aoda Follow Wind, and Aoda Rainbow. So ~$80 currently.


So far … about 1400$
got to stop buying yoyos