How long have you been yo-yoing?

1 and a half years

Around a year and a half.

keep spinning


Almost a year and 10 months.

About 8 or 10 months. I just having fun. Iā€™m not in a hurry to learn many tricks.

1 month and a half.
Iā€™ve finished the advanced section except for mondial and pop ā€˜nā€™ fresh.
I can do a few expert tricks.

If I had stuck with it id be going on 12 yearsā€¦but currently 7 monthsā€¦

8 months, advanced part one

Somewhere around 12 yearsā€¦ little more maybe.

I stopped really learning new tricks many years agoā€¦ I just enjoy myself now. Iā€™ve held just about every position you could possibly have in the yoyo world (new kid, pro, demo guy, retailer, manufacturer, sometimes unhelpful smartass)

It has been fun though :slight_smile:


4 and a half years and iā€™m at the master sectionā€¦darn i move slowā€¦BUT i have invented my own tricks that i would say are MASTER ^_____^ yay iā€™m not a looser after all hehe

1 year 1 month 1week


1 year 8 months. take off 3 months because I didnt yoyo last summer.
1 year 5 months. advanced part 2 - expert.
I just learn whatever tricks look cool.

one year and 4 months-ish.

4 months. Scattered around in styles and tricks

A while over 2 years. There have been persayā€¦ Intermissions, however in that time.

About 20 years.

I was just wandering, ā€œWhat do you consider a pro yo-yoer?ā€, and ā€œHow were you a demo guy?ā€.

A few months away from 6 years. A few years when I was young too but that was in the 70ā€™s.

2 years. Iā€™m pretty laid back with learning new tricks, and iā€™ve skipped around the sections a good bit.

Iā€™ve learned tricks up to and including ones in master, as well as a bunch not listed in the videos.

3 months in the master section. :)ā€¦learned all of them but hourglass and supermanā€¦ ;D