Ive been yoyoing 6 weeks and I am now in the expert section is that good?

Just curious I kinda wizzed on through the other sections.

I think your pretty good because I have been yoyoing for about 3 months and I’m still on Expert Part 2. ;D

Better then me (Throwin for about 3 months and have yet to even touch the expert section)

its great.
keep it up, you might be world champ one day. :wink:

haha thatd be awesome but we’ll see, Im not trying to brag cuz I still dont consider myself very good haha.

don’t worry about comparing yourself to other people or to invented categories. there will always be those whom you can see as ‘better’ or ‘worse’, depending on how you judge. you’ve been yo-yoing for 6 weeks. if you think you’re an ‘expert’ at yo-yoing after that much time you’re deluding yourself. if you stick with it, you might come back to those ‘expert’ tricks in 5-10 years and understand them really differently.

it’s not a race. the road doesn’t end.
no need to worry about whether you’re moving along ‘fast enough’ or ‘too slow’, because there’s just no such thing as either. just play, develop yourself, and enjoy the journey.


I thank you. Thank you

Yeah seriously. I’m just starting to realize that there is more to this than just tricks, I am starting to learn the physics and mechanics of some of these tricks. I am learning alot from them, again. my style of play is changing for the better and expanding. Don’t forget these tricks cuz they can take you far.

I’ve been yo-yoing for 4 months and I’m on the advanced part 2 section. I could learn more but my throw isn’t that good. :-[

I don’t know because I’ve been yoyoing for 4 months and I’m way past the master section…

I have been yo-yoing for about 6 months and I am on advance part 1, almost to part 2. ;D

Thats good!!

Ive been yoyoing 5 weeks and im on advanced part 1

I sort of veered off the Yoyoexpert list and learned a few more advanced tricks, slacks, whips, suicides, GT variations, etc as well as looping and offstring. But I’ve been at it since Nov (3 months), and I just started looking back to the YYE expert list. I’m pretty confident that I’m going pretty quickly since I already had lots of experience to other skill toys and I pick things up fairly quickly, so I’d say expert in 6 weeks is incredible! I’d actually like to slow things down to perfect a few flaws I have and also to learn combos better. But I agree with what others are saying, essentially it’s not about quantity learned but quality or learning. keep it up everyone!

This is what I have done, youtube is great. This and just messing around and making up your own tricks.

is that a string counterweight for 5a in your signature pic? how? any tutorials to make one?

thats pretty good. :o
It took me 3 months to get to the expert section.
Keep it up! Happy throwing ;D

I kinda skipped some tricks mainly because I didnt have as much interest in them I more like string tricks and free style.

You know 4 months is twice as long as he’s been throwing? If he got to expert in half the time you got past master I’m pretty dang sure in 2 more months he’ll be passed master.

Anywhoozles…keep it up! You’re doing pretty good!

It could also depend on how good you do them, like if you can do skin the gerbel for example but when you do it you have to pause between each step or it isn’t that smooth it might not be as hard to get to the expert section as getting them down well and smoothly. But I don’t know how well you do them so Maybe you are just a beast.