How important is the colorway in deciding to buy a yoyo?


There’s more variance in their colorways than I initially realized, as I’ve seen some “beach party’s” that are heavily green, some more yellow/orange dominant, but they’re all pretty stunning.

No doubt youre familiar with, I believe it’s called rainbow trout, from them. Soooooper dope

And i really don’t usually care for many splashes at all


I have a rainbow trout scout🙀

The Dune and the Scout are in the basement. I will find them and post up in the morning.


Ahhh of course you do. That thing is one of my favorites. And lex luthor has to have some kryptonite :wink:

Haven’t tried a scout, but from what I can tell I’m pretty sure I’d like it. And that colorway is just incredible. Definitely a gem, nice scoop

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Check these>

The yo at top left is an SK in Saturday Market colorway… Rainbow Trout to the right and Beach Party Dune at the bottom.


i prefer the raw silver on metal throws, and even my laptop is raw silver. i like raw silver mostly.

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All gorgeous man, for real. Very nice pieces you got there

Two look like CLYW, but what’s the other one?

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@JWaugh what about you?which color you like?

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Idrc= I don’t really care, I can go for anything, I do like the Burnt Orange fade on the Hummingbird and Flux, beeeeeoooooteefuw


idrc for strings colors. light yellow is perfect for strings,in my experience.

Hey; Teejay; I am old…lol

It’s a One Drop and I don’t even know what the name is; lol


Here is another pic of that Scout. The most colorful yoyo I have ever seen😳


I believe they call that one “rainbow trout” don’t they? It’s a great name. Nice car in the background by the way!

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Damn that’s a beautiful colorway. Wow

Seeing as how you’ve got 7 and a half, you should sell a couple so the rest of us can enjoy

OD have been slowly making and releasing a lot of their back catalog in that colourway on their website. I believe there are Valors and Rebirths up right now.


Colorway was a big factor for me when I recently bought a Gully( needed some throw-gurt in my life). That said I probably would have passed if the specs were unappealing.
Also really want a 5000qv, but didn’t like the half swap colors from the previous release. Had I known how long it would be between releases, I might have reconsidered…


Do you by any chance have a Deep State with my username on it? I have always felt that someone put the voodoo on me and that yoyo?


Removed some unnecessary posts since you guys are yoyo friends now.

On Topic: I don’t think color has ever persuaded me to buy a yo-yo, other than the Rainbow Trout Scout, but that was a great yo-yo to begin with. It’s probably because I get to try every yo-yo before I buy it, so if I buy one I already know I like it, color is just second. If I couldn’t try it first then I would probably be more picky about colors.


I know what would make me decide to buy a yoyo.

If CLYW made an Akita in the Rainbow Trout colorway.



For me it mostly depends on the price. If I’m getting up to $70+, I’m not paying money for something in a colorway I dislike.


Yes! At least someone understands why I wanted the purple VTWO so badly… :wink: