How I mod my Deep State (and other yo’s)

I am so glad that worked!! It is super frustrating when they get that way. You can never fully trust them. Enjoy your Origen. :smiley::+1:


Thank you so much! Awesome to hear that you like it. I picked up yo-yos to do something while I waited for paint to dry and it’s blossomed into me having to put my yo-yos in another room or else I keep getting distracted :sweat_smile:


So I’ve had a number of interactions with my man Steve here. All of them have been without a doubt, 110 % positive! I actually asked him if I could post a rep thread him in regards to trades/sales, he said it wasn’t necessary. However this is in regards to his mods so I get to do it anyways! Hooray.

Sometime ago me and him made a trade that resulted in him getting the green Alleycat pictured above. I didn’t want to sell it, but he made me an offer I couldn’t refuse (please do your best Marlon Brando impressions while reading that).

Anywho, the spin gods dictated that it should be returned to me. He actually gave me the opportunity to purchase it back before listing it as he knew I was loathe to part with it. Regardless of anything else, that’s a stand up move right there. I was lucky enough that he modded it before doing so. He went through a process of lubing it up in such a way, and with products that I hadn’t ever thought of for my throws.

Let me tell you, Now it won’t leave my collection again. Being as I don’t get involved in tournament styles, if I had to I’d say 1a all the way. I’m primarily concerned with response. The snappier and tighter the better. I’ve actually given some thought to sending him some more of my throws just cause when I got it back it threw amazing.

So yeah, while I may not have dived into the technical aspect of what he did such as what products and steps he took to mod it, I know I got a throw that threw better than before and that’s what counts (I could tell ya what the secrets are, but then we’d have to kill ya).

In summery, if you gave this man a throw to mod, rest easy. He’ll make it better, and if he’s giving advice on how to mod a one. I suggest following it.

Plus, all his amps go to 11.



12 brother…all my knobs go to 12…:rofl::rofl:


So not sure if this is helpful but after skimming through this thread a couple things to share. Cutting down a bearing post is like a mins work on the lathe. But more importantly size A bearing shields work as shims for size C bearing yoyos what I use in old yoyojams and the butterfly XT to get max gap for unresponsive. Have to stack up like 3-4 per half but should work for you thin shim needs.


Oh if I had a lathe…I would have finished my wormhole device years ago.


There’s no top secret recipe my friend. I use black moly grease. I like it because I’ve found that a few dabs and a drop of oil to spread it around and it spins nearly as well as a dry bearing but can respond close to a bearing that’s packed with grease. I always go through several bearings until I find the one I like. When I use grease I tend to look for a bearing that has more play in it. That gives that grease room to wiggle into and the grease ultimately smooths out the excess play. It’s all just about having way too much time on your hands to play with toys. :rofl::rofl:

How good would something like this be for modding/tinkering?


I know nothing about lathes. I’ve never used one. There are several things that would sure be easier. I like banging on things with rocks and hammers though.

i bought something that was nearly identical and returned it, had terrible time getting anything to stay centered/locked with it.


That’s cheap enough for me to almost risk it

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Looks like a mini wood lathe would be good for plastic maybe but without a chuck big enough to hold a yoyo limits what you can do with it

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I received Mr. Steve’s Responsive Pay it Forward. Got to play with several of his “Modded” yoyos. He does have a nack for “Tuning” the response of his yoyo. I never knew you could use Dry bearings and still get a good response until throwing his yoyos. I have even modified some of my yoyos based of his work.

Fast forward a few months, I had the opportunity to Buy one of his yoyos. It is a RCS Pop Art. Now I never played with one before the mods, but Playing with it after the Mods has been amazing.

This yoyo has been my pocket yoyo for the last couple of weeks. Its plays so nice. Not sure why he got rid of it. But I wont tell him that.

Have Fun.


I think that deep down inside…I knew you belonged together. :smiley::rofl:

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More so need something like this


The fact that this is both more in line with what I expected and way more than my 3d printer is why I don’t have a lathe lol


@Wildo @Pun1sh3R Thanks guys for sharing your thoughts on those. I am so glad you like them. It makes me so happy to know they’re home now. To know they’re in the hands of someone who really appreciates them means the world to me.


I have a dremel…that’s about it.


I started modding on yoyojams with a dremel and a sharpened screw driver



Hey man, I have a fresh deepstate. Do you think if I sent it to you, you could mod it for me? I actually have that and an older Illy Mary I’d like you to look at. It’s getting a bit sluggish on the return and I’m not sure what’s wrong. It used to be so snappy and responsive, it seems a bit slow as of late and I can’t figure it out.

If it’s a yes, I got a killer surprise for ya I think you’ll really appreciate :wink:
