Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

I strung up the OG Yeti, but I didn’t throw it. I went outside, looked at the moon, and started shooting it.


I might crack because of it. But we must stay strong!

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WK1 Chronicle / WK2 Chronicle

Week 3: The SoM “No-Throw July” (or is it…) Chronicles

YoYo Guacamole No More

Captain’s Log, stardate….who knows at this time. My MYY Avocado throw is starting to turn brown. No more yoyo guacamole for me. It’s a sad day in yoyo chef-land.

Ratchet Breakup

My Hella Ratchet yoyo is leaving and not looking back, what a fickle throw. Even she needs a real man. My Crucial Fresh Milk has spoiled, and my Freshly Dirty Moldy Bread has actually turned into penicillin. I’ve started a Craigslist clinic out of the house, just helping the community one moldy yoyo at a time.

Summit’s Ultimatum

My Summit yoyo has told me, “No Peak for you. You have to start back at basecamp now.” Meanwhile, my Basecamp Moonshine is asking me to sit down and share a drink with it. These yoyos are relentless.

Highway Hypnosis

Traveling for work, driving of course, I watch the wheels of the cars on the highway mock me with their perfect, smooth spinning. They almost put me into a trance. Those are some great sleepers you’re rocking there Mr. Toyota Corolla.

The Turnaround!

My Workhorse V2 has arrived! Still on the trip, driving back, and I ignore food and push that gas tank to the limit just to get home. Opening the package feels like a chorus of angels singing, I swear there’s even light coming out of the box like at the end of Pulp Fiction. It’s glorious. It’s pretty much everything I was hoping for!

The Workhorse V1 was already an amazing responsive, and I knew there were tweaks we were looking for. I’m actually impressed by how different this feels while keeping that base spirit, in all good ways.

  • Weight : It hits the sweet spot for me as-is without any o-rings. Super smooth, even more comfy in the hand, and great response.
  • Versatility : Can easily shuffle through 0A/1A-ish tricks and stall-based play on the fly while mid-throwing. Still loops well when you want to toss a couple of those in there.
  • Finish : The grind finish is awesome and crazy smooth in the hand.
  • Stability : Stability is WAY improved over the V1, which was what I was looking for most. Even redirects stay right on plane. It’s one of those throws you can just wildly toss around and try new things without worrying about it going off-axis as much.
  • Feel : Throwing the light o-rings in the outermost groove and it becomes a powerhouse. It feels like the best back-in-the-day schoolyard throw you’ve played with. I can even Skin the Gerbil on this, which is obviously critical.
  • Personal Kickflip Champ: I just did 7 Kickflips in a row (and those aren’t nearly my strong suit, lol), dismounting into Lunar Catches. No problem. Legit the best Kickflip run I’ve probably ever had! Good start to my catch-up throw, I made a good choice in my ONE-July pick.

Catching Up

I spend the rest of the week catching up on lost time, throwing all the hits, and getting my fix that I’ve missed so much. The voices are gone (for now), life is good.

Final Stretch

I still have to fight the urge of my other throws, but I finally have some respite. The last week and a half will be much smoother, but still a challenge. The finish line is in sight, and with my Workhorse V2 in hand, I’m ready to conquer it.

Stay tuned for the final week and a half of my now known “ONE-Throw July.” Will I make it to the end without breaking? Life will be easier, but there are still throws that are going to try and demand my attention. Can I ignore them with my WHv2 by my side? Only time will tell. Same Bat-Time same Bat-Channel!


While I have not thrown my V2 Workhorse… I have held it and caressed it quite a bit. What I notice is where the gap was opened a bit it allows the yo-yo to “wrap around” your finger more while holding it, thus adding to the more comfy hand feel. Also where the weight was shifted more to the rims just make them “feel” more solid and you can feel the difference between it and V1. I am so looking forward to throwing it as soon as I wake up on Aug 1st. I will persevere.


Glad to see you are finally able to join in the ONE july festivities! These write ups have been so fun to read, keep up the good work :+1:


Thank you kindly!!!


Trying to learn Kwyjibo has been a super fun distraction. That is a very fun and challenging trick.


By @Afkor standards, I have now learned Kwyjibo as I just pulled it off 3 times in a row. :smiley::smiley:


Still trying the first Kwijibo hop …


I have been having fun even missing. There have also been times where it just lands on all of the strings and then I try tossing it up and just uncrossing back to a trapeze. That has been a lot of fun. :smiley:


Hot damn. I don’t even know if I can count that high.


I have only done 4 kick flips in my life… I cant count high enough on the number of attempts. I took my boots off and everything.




Are you really!?!?!

Ready? We’re ready for it to be over already! We have stacks of new throws to discover.


Ha. I was asking Mr. Keith @TryCatchThrow if he was really considering throwing it all away and playing his Druid.

I bet you guys are ready though! I don’t know how you’re all doing it with so many great throws coming out. How you ever going to catch up? :laughing:


I am starting to think 2A and 3A were invented by our Predecessors after the original ONE July.

Better to throw 2 yoyos to catch up.

It was so much of a success the first time that they whiped it from yoyo history.

“No one would be dumb enough to do this again.”


Oh I’m going to complain and meme but I’m too stubborn to quit now.


Only 10 more days. No big deal!!


Hence my surprise. I thought certainly you, Steve and Cody would be the last 3 standing. I’m amazed how many people are still “in”.