Get Ready for ONE July 2024!

ONE July: The Ultimate YoYo Challenge!

Hey YoYo Enthusiasts and Challenge Chasers! Are you ready for the ultimate test of loyalty and skill? The YoYo Boomer Club is proud to present ONE July, a community challenge that will push your yo-yo dedication to the max! Are you the master of your domain?!

The Challenge: We see the topic pop up all the time: “If you could only have ONE yo-yo…” Now it’s time to put that question to the test! For the entire month of July, pick just ONE yo-yo to throw and master. ONE throw to rule them all!

Share Your Choice: Tell us which yo-yo you are choosing and why! Pictures are highly encouraged. Show off your chosen yo-yo, share your reasons, and let the community know why this one yo-yo stands above the rest for you (my preciousssss). Are you picking something you are comfortable with, are you choosing a challenge, will you regert your decisions (spelling on purpose).

Document Your Journey: Throughout the month, document your journey in the thread. Share your progress, tricks, challenges, and any insights you gain along the way. Let’s see how your skills evolve with just one trusty yo-yo by your side.

Join the challenge and share your story. This is your chance to be part of an epic community adventure!

So, what’s it gonna be? A classic favorite, a new shiny marvel, a sentimental choice, or a random choice agent of chaos? How long does it take before the squirrel-like attention span starts pulling at your strings? Pick your ONE yo-yo and let’s make July a month to remember!

Let’s see who can truly master the art of yo-yoing with just ONE! Ready, set, throw!
“One, ohhh, one, the only way is…merch



That logo is dope af.


J/K since it hasn’t started yet, but I’m putting this here in preparation, haha! :rofl:



We all count an identical pair of yo-yos for a two yo-yo style as ONE yo-yo, right?


It’s each individual’s option to choose their style. If 2a is your style, I see a pair as necessary. I know you have a pile @TryCatchThrow and regularly change out. So sticking with a single pair seems just as challenging. I see no issue with this.


If you’re going 2A for the month, I’d think a set of loopers qualifies.




Now… is this a No to 1 July… or No to a pair of loopers being counted as a single??? :rofl:

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Yeah if your style is 2A or 3A then one pair would be the same as one YoYo

also if your yoyo breaks for example cause you main 4a or 5a and it takes a hard hit then an alternate at that time is accepted. We will want to see the carnage of course.


1 July :laughing:. I can’t even go a single session with just one yoyo.


Can I ask what is the purpose of this? I mean, 5a May was to get us to practice and have fun by learning or getting better in 5 A. Same can be said for fixed axle feb or whatever else.

I do not understand the logic behind this. Can someone explain please? ( I do not mean to be rude, I sincerely do not understand).



I think it’s just a fun challenge. If you’re not into it, feel free to opt out.


Just a fun challenge.

Also, I do believe that playing with one particular yoyo, for an extended period of time, does increase skill. I can’t explain exactly why, but I played The End 2 exclusively for a couple months when it came out. Not only did I get better, I also, kind of, hammered out my “play style”. And discovered my “type”, if you will.


If I had to stick to just one yoyo, It would definitely be my Dressel designs emotion. 100%


I feel like its almost cheating for those of us that only own 1 or 2 throws that are everyday playable lol However, i am working on adding a new modern responsive to my lineup this week or next so ill post pic when i receive it and at the end of the month to prove i didnt open/play with it. Itll be my reward for a month of self control :grin:


It’s just a fun challenge. No reward or big prize. It’s sort of inspired by the Ed Happonik one YoYo for a year challenge but smaller and less brutal.

If you want to challenge yourself you could pickup a YoYo that is more difficult for you such as a smaller or thinner YoYo or a style that isn’t your main or even just a simple wood YoYo and see what you can do with 1 YoYo for a month but we didn’t want to make it so restrictive in that sense. It’s all just for fun and non of us want to see someone try to use a micro for a month or something and hate YoYo by the end of said month.

With that said anyone who does pick a micro god speed I’ll be excited to see how amazing that person gets by the end.


I am debating switching off of my primary loopers (720s) to see if I prefer something else but haven’t selected a goal looper yet…


I’m really debating what I want to choose. Honestly my 1A is weak so I might choose a mono metal and just power through learning more.


I have a respawn and some C3yoyo initiators coming in the mail, if I get them in time, I’ll pick one or the other. I suck at looping and my responsive game is rusty, I’ll keep ya posted.

If they don’t come in time, I might have to go with the Torrent II +, it just has the best handfeel of any yoyo I have ever played, like it’s meant to be there


This challenge is more about the personal side than the skill side. It is setting a goal and learning about yourself within a given restriction.

As stated, it is a play-off of Mr. Ed Haponik’s One Yoyo for a year. If you haven’t had a chance, read some of his Blog about his experience. @edhaponik

The Yoyo Boomers Club thinks it is a fun little community challenge. Anyone can do it.

Each week we will post a question about your experience. Again, it’s about community involvement and personal growth.

Spoiler Alert: First Question will be “What yoyo did you choose for this challenge and Why?” on July 1st.

We decided to post the preview a week early just for these types of discussions. July 1st, we go live!