If you could have only one throw, what would it be and why?
This is more for curiosity sake, looking to see what people like.
If you could have only one throw, what would it be and why?
This is more for curiosity sake, looking to see what people like.
If I was being financially smart I would find the most expensive yo-yo and get that one. I would them sell it and with the money get a lot of good yo-yos.
If I was choosing one because I liked it I really don’t know which one.
Easy, OPYOYOS Spright.
I would choose a Duncan Barracuda. The plain old regular Barracuda. I have some great throws and I have fun rotating through them but every time I come back to the Barracuda I think “Yep, that’s the one.” Its not the most expensive, its not some rare model or colorway, but its the one.
Sentimentality aside, Duncan GTR-JS if I’m picking a bimetal. Chief or Diorama if I’m picking a mono. Don’t make me choose between those or narrow it down any further lmao
My One Drop Top Deck. My most played yoyo since February 2019. I have not thrown a yoyo that I would consider better.
One of these thread again?!
I would choose an A-rt Dale, which I think will stay with me for 80 years.
My Stargazer. It’s not my best performing yoyo, but for sentimental reasons it’s my favorite.
If we are talking sentiment, then my og pistollero. Otherwise it would be the summit.
Probably my dazzler because I know it could take a good beating.
Not the Fusion?
I mean, they’re both incredible but i feel like you post more with a Fusion than the 5050.
I think i like my Assassin best of the DDs i have. Tough to choose…
When is the next one coming?
If there was only One!
I guess I would be One and done.
It’s wood. It’s unresponsive but if I greased the bearing it would be responsive.
MK1 Exia most likely just on performance, comfort, stability. I do have a couple monometals that are close seconds.
Same, only I got mine in December 2019.
Monarch coming in October. This is what I’ve been throwing the most recently.
It honestly depends on my mood, but 5050 has that special place in my heart
MagicYoyo Hot Diggity. It’s like Dylan had me in mind when he designed that yoyo. Runner up is the Duncan Strix.