Question for those with huge collections (over 50.)

I am curious, what has been one throw you have gravitated to the most for the last few years?

I of course ask because I’d like to hear from people with huge collections what throw they find to be the most enjoyable, that gets the most usage. It gives me an idea of what to target next.

Not asking for your most valuable, top performing or prettiest shelf queen. While all those things are cool, what gets thrown the most?

I’m positive this is basically the same old question just asked a different way, but with the caveat of asking people who have huge collections and more diversity.

Thank you so much.


So I have about 5-6 cases/bags(60ish), I use one to keep my current favorite 12. Each one kind of has a different use/playability. If I’m learning a new trick and need something I know very well I grab my Horizon. If I need a bimetal for more power I grab my Klondike or IQ. Laid back fun throw I grab my Wizard or DIY. Now if I were gravitating towards a particular shape, I like the MCMO and Speedaholic profiles the most, organic hybrid.

No particular #1, though I would probably say my MMC is near the top.




My RBC and El Tio are my EDCs. They stay in my pocket, get dinged up, but I throw them any and everywhere. I also have 2 cases in my backpack that hold 15 other throws in total, and I mostly rotate through those.


ace 1


I have about 250 and my Top Deck has been my most used since 2019. Most of my yoyos are really great but when I throw my Top Deck it makes me happy I got into the hobby. I don’t like any of my yoyos more than my Top Deck.


Just under 50 now, down from the 70s and trying to get down to 12…
I try to rotate everything I have equally. But if I don’t I’m reaching for the Klondike almost every time now. It’s filled with bliss, and flings it all over the room when it spins.


over 250 here…

some of the ‘timeless classics’ (yoyos that I have owned for a more than a year and still find myself throwing) in my collection are (in no particular order):

  • DD Oasis
  • TP TP2
  • Dreamcraft Asora 3 (I’m counting this because I owned and adored an Asora 2 as well before upgrading)
  • CLYW Chief
  • OD Free Solo
  • YYF Genesis (early run)
  • SF Statement

I don’t have too many yoyos, I haven’t counted them but it’s under 20. and I find myself reaching for my Capstan the most.


I definitely have the Oasis on the short list of what to acquire sooner than later.

And thank you everyone for your thoughtful responses.


oasis is very good, can highly recommend it

as a collector I love yoyos that are both unique/interesting (doesn’t feel like there’s many yoyos in the organic d bearing stainless steel camp) and also standout performers

another yoyo in this vein is the updn orange but I can’t recommend that to people who are looking for a normal yoyo because it’s certainly a departure from the standard experience lol


G2 Ti Albatross
G2 Mongoose
G2 Carbine
G2 Respawn Lite
Damian Puckett Alliance
One Drop Legendary Terrarian
DocPop Weekender


I was going to start writing out a list of my faves that I throw in general that make rotation most from various categories, but I realized the question is “the one” basically.

With that in mind…I would say my favorite all arounder, no emotions, cost, or history involved to weigh the decision, even plays well unresponsive or responsive, that can tackle almost everything for me and hits the personal feel-good preferences…

MK1 Path


The OG genesis is insane, it genuinely feels like it was made in the modern era in comparison to a lot of older yo-yos.


I have enough yoyos to patch a hole in the Great Wall of China.

When I sorta fell in to the hobby, it was hard to find much in the way of performance. That’s why I started modding

Now… 27 years later, I am amazed at how difficult it is to find a ‘bad yoyo’.

The various companies pretty much keep raising the bar on how good a yo-yo can be and how good they are.

Even if some guys get together to compare some yo-yos over the weekend, if they all come to the same conclusion and agree to put the yo-yos in place from best to worst, even the worst one is a very good playing yo-yo. It only is considered not as good as Those that play even better.

Think of it this way… You go to a beauty contest like Miss universe or something. Obviously only one comes in first place. That doesn’t mean the woman that came in fifth place is ugly. She’s probably beautiful too. But the Judges have to pick one. But that doesn’t put shade on the other ones.

So if I say, I have five yo-yos and I love all of them, but one stands out above all the rest, the other four could also be amazing, but for whatever reason that particular one just rubs me the right way.

We all can have similar feelings about yo-yo’s or diametrically opposite opinions about the same yo-yos.

But one thing is certain if somebody gave you a case with 20 yo-yos and said I’m feeling generous today, try all these yo-yos out and you can keep half of them. Keep a 10 that you like the most out of the 20.

An amazingly, the 10 that are left over could be handed to the next guy in line and he would love every one of them

Why? Glad you asked. Almost all yo-yos from all manufacturers have evolved to a higher level of functionality.

I think the thing that fascinates me the most is my personal curiosity in what people are gonna come out with next? How much better can these make these yo-yos? Whether we’re talking about the main long time manufacturers, or this ever increasing number of boutique, yo-yo designers, and sellers.

I’ve mentioned this before, but I will insert it here again. It’s been a few years now, but Steve Brown mentioned in a conversation that this is a great time to be into yo-yoing right now.

And that was back then and things haven’t changed a bit. All the newer players have a potential of being spoiled rotten even with 10 or $20 yo-yos. They’re so good now it’s amazing.

And it doesn’t matter if you get a plastic yo-yo or a plastic metal hybrid or a mono metal or a buy metal or a trimetal…. Or a magnesium yo-yo or a stainless steel yo-yo or a titanium model metal or titanium by metal…. Or a POM or all the responsive fixed axle yo-yo’s, regardless of material and the multitude of response systems and an assortment of bearing configurations.

Even the new purchases by players at whatever level they’re at, may have a short honeymoon, Because they’re just not a perfect fit for that person or those people, So they sell them or trade them on the BST. And it’s quite possible whoever purchases those yo-yos will find on the contrary that it fits their preferences perfectly. Why? Because almost all yo-yos perform well and pretty much better than anything made before.

We all know by now that I could probably go on for an hour… And honestly on this subject, I probably could

But to at least somewhat answer, the OP’s question, if you have enough yo-yos and you take your thrown most of them around, you will be able to identify what you personally feel is your favorite.

Of all the yo-yos I have, there’s probably at least 250 of them that I’ve never even thrown. For whatever reason possibly time related, I’ve just never thrown them. They’re on display.

But of the zillion yo-yos that I tossed around in the last few decades, one went right to the top like the guy that gets a sledgehammer at the carnival it makes that metal ball go right to the top of the pole and ring the bell. My choice cast no shadows on dozens of other yo-yos.

But one is gonna be really hard to top.

The Titanium bi-metal called the W1ldest is simply supernatural. I’m saving the S for whatever comes out and tops it.

But until then, that’s my personal choice.

Every other person that responds In this thread… Whatever yo-yo they choose is the correct answer.

Whether you have 20 yo-yos or 50 yo-yos or 1500 yo-yos… They’re all damn good nowadays. Some only seem better than others and some obviously are a little better than others. But even the ones at the bottom of the stack are amazingly good.

That’s all…


Once I aquired a big enough collection to really feel like I could compare a wide variety of yoyos to eachother, I came to realize something about what I enjoy about any specific yoyo.

A large part of what I “enjoy” out of a yoyo is just simply how it looks. Let me to elaborate.

Yo-yos by large have become very excellent by performance standards. You could almost buy anything modern and expect something with acceptable performance as a yoyo. Once that was clear to me, I started collecting yoyos just based off what I thought looked cool.

Things really became interesting when I tried my first duplicate yoyo in a different colorway. I had a orange Freesolo, my friend bought his own green Freesolo after trying mine. Obviously its the same yoyo and it rips face, but with the same bearing and same string my friend claimed it had a different feel. After testing it out, I can’t lie it felt exactly like my orange Freesolo with more bearing grit lol. But we’re both weirdo old-school collectors who appreciate the “aesthetic” of yoyos and I felt he still had a fair point. The design of the freesolo just wore the color orange better than green, at least in our eyes. The green matched his og General-Yo 5Star, but the green looks so right on the organic shape of the general-yo, compared to the sharp design of the freesolo. We came to the conclusion that how it looked really did impact how it felt for us to use. I want to see something I think is aesthetically cool dancing through my usual combos.

Anyways I have 5 MMC/MCMO’s and it’s a problem.
I swear they all hit different :sweat_smile:


@Marioyo @yoyodoc

You guys are both getting at something that I “knew” before but didn’t actually understand enough to put in practice.

I used to think that there was a “perfect” yoyo for me based on dimensions , shape, weight, etc… and once I found that I wouldn’t “need” any other yo-yos.

The problem with this is in trying to be objective about yo-yo preference i ignored the subjective aspects that are much more important, like aesthetics and feel.

I say that because as Marioyo points out, it’s hard to enjoy something that doesn’t make you feel good about using it, regardless of how well it performs.

Now, as this thread kind of gets at, I just want yo-yos that make me feel like yo-yoing, and the average performance level of yo-yos now means that no matter what I choose it’s not going to be limiting performance in any significant way.

The only exception would be for people who are genuinely looking to compete and need to absolutely min-max for performance purposes.


I always love reading your write ups, I’m a reader, so it is genuinely appreciated. I agree, it’s hard to find a bad yoyo nowadays, and if you do, their is someone out there that has a kink for trying to pull off fluid tricks with it (or tinkering to make it better, kudos to you and the other modders over the years.)

I am enjoying seeing in the thread what each person’s personal favorite is, what checks all their marks. It doesn’t mean it will check mine, but I’m open to having my mind expanded. I have owned titanium’s and bimetals in the past, and for one reason or another they didn’t check the personal boxes for me (from my very limited sample size of all titanium’s and bimetals in existence.) It’s likely though, that with an open mind, if I tried your favorite, I would have a part of me understand the part of you that likes it so very much. We are a small community, so it’s neat to try a friends favorite and get a peak into what keeps them smiling in the hobby (as far as hardware is concerned.)

While I don’t own over 50 throws, I’ve had the blessing of trying hundreds of throws, thanks to trading on the yoyonation and YYE BST. I highly recommend it to anyone that has read this far, it’s a rental that only costs shipping and patience. If I had to pick the one that I’ve tried that checks all the marks, it would likely be the End 2 Finale, I bought one on release and it just blew me away. The folks that mentioned the OG Genesis, that one speaks to my heart as well. I traded a Peak for a Genesis back in the day, which sounds insane by today’s standards, but that Genesis brought me more joy than the Peak, and that’s just how the cookie crumbles sometimes.


Great insight. Hits right home. :+1:


I’ve always wanted to collect yoyos, ever since I discovered the hobby when I was around 11 years old.

First of all, I believe that collecting yoyos is a very personal thing, and the final goal varies from person to person;

It could simply be to buy all the special editions or colors of a yoyo because you really liked one, regardless of whether it’s a yoyo that’s still available in retailers or an older yoyo.

It could also be because of some personal memory that the person has with the yoyo, such as an event where they took the yoyo, started playing and attracted a lot of people with it.

It could bring back a nostalgic time when the yoyo made its first “impact” on your life, as happens to everyone. We never forget the first time we got into it, and it’s a very nice thing.

For example, my family was going through a severe financial shortage when I discovered yoyos, and I always wanted a Yoyojam X-convict and an HSpin Pyro. I got the X-convict by reselling fixed-axle yoyos and doing demonstrations during my school break, and with the profits, I bought it. After I grew up and settled down, I was able to assemble my complete Pyro OG collection (you must have seen it a zillion times because I never tire of posting pictures of it in random showing rofl threads), in other words; it was a childhood dream that came true beyond my expectations (I raised my expectations on my own hahahaha) and I currently have a nice collection (around 70, I had 132), although I have liquidated a good part of it because I recently bought an apartment and needed some money to do a good renovation on it.

So, what keeps me in collecting and in the hobby is all my “child” part in the adult way of being.

Anyway, my yoyo in life is the Pyro. I play with one of them every day. There are other very important ones that are part of my short journey with collecting, but the “master key” is the Pyro.