I have enough yoyos to patch a hole in the Great Wall of China.
When I sorta fell in to the hobby, it was hard to find much in the way of performance. That’s why I started modding
Now… 27 years later, I am amazed at how difficult it is to find a ‘bad yoyo’.
The various companies pretty much keep raising the bar on how good a yo-yo can be and how good they are.
Even if some guys get together to compare some yo-yos over the weekend, if they all come to the same conclusion and agree to put the yo-yos in place from best to worst, even the worst one is a very good playing yo-yo. It only is considered not as good as Those that play even better.
Think of it this way… You go to a beauty contest like Miss universe or something. Obviously only one comes in first place. That doesn’t mean the woman that came in fifth place is ugly. She’s probably beautiful too. But the Judges have to pick one. But that doesn’t put shade on the other ones.
So if I say, I have five yo-yos and I love all of them, but one stands out above all the rest, the other four could also be amazing, but for whatever reason that particular one just rubs me the right way.
We all can have similar feelings about yo-yo’s or diametrically opposite opinions about the same yo-yos.
But one thing is certain if somebody gave you a case with 20 yo-yos and said I’m feeling generous today, try all these yo-yos out and you can keep half of them. Keep a 10 that you like the most out of the 20.
An amazingly, the 10 that are left over could be handed to the next guy in line and he would love every one of them
Why? Glad you asked. Almost all yo-yos from all manufacturers have evolved to a higher level of functionality.
I think the thing that fascinates me the most is my personal curiosity in what people are gonna come out with next? How much better can these make these yo-yos? Whether we’re talking about the main long time manufacturers, or this ever increasing number of boutique, yo-yo designers, and sellers.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I will insert it here again. It’s been a few years now, but Steve Brown mentioned in a conversation that this is a great time to be into yo-yoing right now.
And that was back then and things haven’t changed a bit. All the newer players have a potential of being spoiled rotten even with 10 or $20 yo-yos. They’re so good now it’s amazing.
And it doesn’t matter if you get a plastic yo-yo or a plastic metal hybrid or a mono metal or a buy metal or a trimetal…. Or a magnesium yo-yo or a stainless steel yo-yo or a titanium model metal or titanium by metal…. Or a POM or all the responsive fixed axle yo-yo’s, regardless of material and the multitude of response systems and an assortment of bearing configurations.
Even the new purchases by players at whatever level they’re at, may have a short honeymoon, Because they’re just not a perfect fit for that person or those people, So they sell them or trade them on the BST. And it’s quite possible whoever purchases those yo-yos will find on the contrary that it fits their preferences perfectly. Why? Because almost all yo-yos perform well and pretty much better than anything made before.
We all know by now that I could probably go on for an hour… And honestly on this subject, I probably could
But to at least somewhat answer, the OP’s question, if you have enough yo-yos and you take your thrown most of them around, you will be able to identify what you personally feel is your favorite.
Of all the yo-yos I have, there’s probably at least 250 of them that I’ve never even thrown. For whatever reason possibly time related, I’ve just never thrown them. They’re on display.
But of the zillion yo-yos that I tossed around in the last few decades, one went right to the top like the guy that gets a sledgehammer at the carnival it makes that metal ball go right to the top of the pole and ring the bell. My choice cast no shadows on dozens of other yo-yos.
But one is gonna be really hard to top.
The Titanium bi-metal called the W1ldest is simply supernatural. I’m saving the S for whatever comes out and tops it.
But until then, that’s my personal choice.
Every other person that responds In this thread… Whatever yo-yo they choose is the correct answer.
Whether you have 20 yo-yos or 50 yo-yos or 1500 yo-yos… They’re all damn good nowadays. Some only seem better than others and some obviously are a little better than others. But even the ones at the bottom of the stack are amazingly good.
That’s all…