Question for those with huge collections (over 50.)

That was an awesome share, thank you. So glad you were able to bring that childhood dream into reality. I’m putting a Pyro on my list. I only tried the icon from Hspin back in the day, always wanted to try the Pyro. I recall people saying it was wide and felt like throwing a coke can and that scared me off, but now that I’ve tried wide yoyos like the DD 50/50, I have no issues at all with wide yoyos.

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Most thrown rn is probably my Dale, Asora proto V2, and Holy Yogurt. I find the light organic formula the most comfortable and fun to throw, they get a majority of my throw time. Usually gravitate towards yo-yos that just let my trickset flow the most. Kinda brain off yo-yos that I throw a lot. My collection is like 45-50 right now I think tho I might be lower now that I’ve slimmed it down a bit.


The yoyo I’ve thrown most is probably the DRunner (a more available equivalent would be the TiVayder). It just feels so fresh and full of energy every single time.

Close second is probably the Sugar Glider. I jokingly refer to it as “my signature.” All my tricks just feel perfect on that thing. It’s the only yoyo I have two of: one with a centering bearing and one with an OD 10 ball.

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Approaching 300 myself (if I’m not already there, I lost count somewhere in the 250-275 range lmfao) and the only yoyo with real staying power for me (as in, pick it up every single day) in the last year has been the Klondike. The CanopyTi is also up there, despite being released this year. Honorable mention to the Creep and Alpine though, I always always find myself coming back to those too.


A bit over 300. I alternate but my go to is usually my gtr yo be honest.

Lots of times I’ll phase in a new throw for a while or if something really sticks I’ll pull in to my main rotation.

It also depends on the style I’m jiving with. My favorite fixie is my dazzling Dave or my gnomad, my favorite pair of loopers is honestly my loop 2020s but 1A usually defaults to the GTR.


the feeling is very different from what we see today: a yoyo with very high walls, and VERY heavy: 72 grams, with a very “archaic” feedback system (dif-pads/general yo .555 pads) that are initially VERY responsive.

If you are going to set it up for a good game, remove the 2 original pads, and place 1 pad on just 1 side of the yoyo, from general pads .555, be it thick or smooth. Then, place a concave bearing, and voilà. You will have a yoyo with good spin, comfortable, and slow hahahahaha (due to the weight)
String for this setup: I recommend for the same: maximum 12 strands (standard or thin width, from kitty or another brand).

And sorry for about shitty english… Most of what I write, I do through Google Translate because I’m too lazy to write correctly. I’m constantly learning American English :slight_smile:


I understood perfectly, and I will use that setup.


I have about 70. Of those 70, there are 4 that make it back into rotation over and over again. They are the spin dynamics alter ego, unprld recogniton, AHAY Tenma, and sense next journey.

The next journey is by far the most accessible of the 4 yoyos. If you do not have one, get one. They are cheap and likely in stock.


I really don’t know how many I have now. Too lazy to count and I’ve been trying to thin them out, but I have a bunch in boxes and cases and sitting on a shelf.
My favorites are:
HSPIN Pyro light
Hspin G&E 4 Lily
Antiyo Fluchs
YYJ Hitman
SPYY Radian MkII
Dif-E-Yo GTO
Duncan FH1 AL
YYJ Journey
Yomega Raider EX
Various TK/BC fixed axle loopers

These are played regularly over the course of a month or so.


My most thrown and loved is still the Duncan Butterfly if only for the simple reason that I’m always carrying one. I’m slowly transitioning to carrying just my own 3D printed Pixie, which is really just an attempt to Pimp my Butterfly.

When I play unresponsive I tend to grab the DIY most.


I’d like to throw a Pixie, but if I miss a trick, I’d probably just ask myself “Where is my mind?” two or three times. you pickin’ up what I’m puttin’ down?


What yo-yo is that? Thank you!

I’m constantly grabbing my
Don by ZGRT
Aotus and Prime8 by MFD
MMC and Sudo
ProjecTi by FSYB

I think i enjoy a organic shape for 1A/5A most.

El MiJo
PLTPS by DocPop
No Jive

Those are always available on my display and always one from each category in my carry case.


Ace 1 from playmaxx it’s a mini cold fusion


I like to attribute certain theme songs to certain throws. This one works for me :grin:


I too like to give my yoyo’s theme songs. my Campfire’s theme song is Sahara by Relient K, my Von Boom Capstan’s theme song is Man 'O Shipwreck by Attalus, my No Jive’s theme song is Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon & Garfunkel. that’s all off the top of my head.

sorry about the info dump, I thought I was the only one who did that, so I got kind of excited. :sweat_smile:


I dont have “One” I gravitate too from the collection (120+).

I have EDC throws that are not on the collection wall, these rotate depending on mood.

But my Collection is readily accessible in a wall mount. Every night I pick one or two and throw. If there is one I really like, I pick up a second for the EDC rotation.


Someday, I’ll have a yo-yo wall, and a wife to call me a “Nerd.” :rofl:



I had around 100 and sold all my cases of yoyos except one.

Out of that one case, the only thing I throw is the Flying Lemon. Nothing else really does it for me at the moment.